4. ꧁*Meet Again*꧂

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Who would have thought Marco would be reincarnated in the future.

The year of (3240).

(in other words its been "1230" year's' has gone by, if you start with year 2011. If you start at 16th century were the golden age of piracy of luffy started, the year has gone by—by 1641 year's')

(your welcome)

He was just turn 26 years old that time, the flesh and blood of Edward newgate. Having dinner at one of the famous restaurant in the place where the family owns.

It was quiet having dinner with few others, When suddenly mirrors shuttered.

Guns and lazers with devil fruits destroying the place. Screams of panic filled the air as the family of newgate hundle up together, Edward newgate also known as whitebeard raise up and bring forth his weapon ready for any enemy shielding his wife and kids.

"who is idiotic enough to raid this place!?" shouted thatch as he dodge a lazer gun. Then Suddeny people came rolling out from the said broken window.

They grunted as they stood up hurriedly, before stiffening as all of them stare at the trio, wearing nothing but a loose black suit covering their whole form.

"sorry about that osan! (old man) " shouted the small boy whos 18 of age smilling at the old man with a grin. The blond or maybe blue? gave an apology raising his hand. "Sorry about that" he said trully sorry.

They were confuse "Who are you and why did you raid this place" izuna or as his fanily called ger izo spoke eyeing the trio up and down with a raised brow. The black haired one whos hair were wavy and full,  stare at them with an annoyed look.

All of them where wearing black mask covering their lower face. Hair either tied up or had that powered color to mistake their real color tone. The youngest had red powdered like hair, they can tell it was powdersd because of their black skin suit of his shoulder is dusted by red specks.

The tallest one had blue powedered or yellow, he was holding a pipe? And the last who was glaring at them had a orange or... Gold color they really cant tell what their real hair looks like.

The orange boy open his mouth "Were not raiding!  Wer— Dodging!!! Shit!" then came the fiasco once more, people came starting attacking the trio then attacking the whitebeard family.

The enemies not knowing who are they facing against lose complelty.

With battle of guns, xifs (special weapons) and devils fruits the battle ended with the trio grinning as the blond grab the suitcase when the youngest drop it.

Bowing in apology but also mutter an forgiveness. But before whitebeard even ask who they are They—Just—Left.

"The fuck just happen?" vista stare in confusion, the fiasco was just pass by out of no where. It wasn't rare to have a fight like this but...

Seeing how the teen trio suddenly come and go without them paying something was... Something?.

As confusion goes on, no one notice the wide eye look upon Marco. Tears started pooling in his eyes, panting as he stare at the empty place where the trio once stood.

The youngest of the whitebeard screamed "Pops! Something's happening to Marco!" shouted haruta in panic and this got their all attention. Whitebeard knelt infront of his son. "Marco?" despite his calm voice his eyes were filled with nothing but worry.

Everyone started getting panic when he suddenly, freeze... Then shake... Then grapping his hair like a life line especially how he was grabbing his heart.

Reincarnation (One piece) Marco x Ace Where stories live. Discover now