11. ꧁*They Found It*꧂

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The battle was something.

The secret that the enemies wanted to keep is near to be founded.

It was all ups and downs.

The enemies who they need to attack, the enemies who tried to killed them.

Letting the secret remain, but as tale as old as time roger and whitebeeard despite not pirate anymore and now searching for grandline team up with dragons daughter and shanks, the said women who was looking for the one piece and the said daughter who had secret close friends relationship to an notorious underground people.

It took 6 years, blood sweat and tears to look for the grandline.

And they did.

They didn't expect such changes...

"Are you sure this is it?" Frasop (Ussop) said.

"to my calculation... Yes..." Sabo stated with benn beckman. "A portal will open every seven years in this part, on the day of the first sun rise of new year" benny spoke towards the crowd.

Marco grab ace hand before he fall, but... Marco can tell ace is excited, his lying if he wasn't excited too "Its just a big and deep waterfall... Are you sure we need to jump right in?" Lawren (Law)  quirk his brow at Robin, holding luffy closer to him.

"Yes" she chuckle before pointing down. "Its either jump to death and broke our neck and die drowning or its real" Frasop and some of the others scream and most wince. Jinbei and olivia smile and chuckle at robin.

"Stop those scary words Robin!" cried Frasop embracing his wife Hana (Kaya) closer to him.

Roger then grin at whitebeard who grins back at him "Last one is a stinky egg!" he jump towards the big hole of the waterfall before joining in by whitebeard who grin at his sons. Garp pulled sengoku who scream at the top of his lungs as his son, rosinante laugh.

"Oyaji!!" shouted his sonsa dn daughters, Whitebeards wife shook her head at him. "Oi! Roger your not a kid anymore!" cried Reynold (Rayleigh) as he massage his forhead with shaky besides him.

Ace grin at marco who grin back and jump together with luffy and law... Well... More on Luffy pulled law who had his eyes grow wide in shock.

"yahoo!!" shouted luffy. Law had to close his eyes at his lovers antics "Yeah!" ace scream in joy with marco closing his eyes grinning holding aces hand.

Dadan shouted "Oi luffy! Ace!—sabo! " she scream when the steady sane of the brothers jump right in with his wife koala.

"Marco you two!?!" shouted izo with thatch. Rouge sigh in defeat. "why did i marry this man" she ask in no one in particular, Shanks snicker at his auntie. "you love him aunt rouge" she chuckle softly seeing most of the gang already jumping towards the falls.

"Indeed Sharla–Chan..." she sigh before smilling at draco, "auntie i told you to call me shanks!" sharla also known as shanks reincarnate groan with a pout, with her son in her arms pouting the same way towards rouge.

Rouch chuckle before grinning.

"Lets go!"

They all started falling down one by one, its now or never, do or die...

Everyone brace themselves. Marco wrap his arms around aces form and ready to whatever is within the bottomless pit.

Then... Water...

'Shit! The devil fruits users yoi!'

Then suddenly gone...

"Marco?" ace groan sitting up,  but stiffen. They where in a water floating just now and... They where laying on a cold floor?. "Koala? Can you move?" sabo whispere to his wife. Koala nodded at him. Marco stood up seeing as all of them where in a enchanted cave.

It was beautiful... Breathe taking. Cystals hanging and peaking of all the cracks and holes of the cave. Crystals are white glowing like galaxy when a light touches. Golden dust floating around them like a warm blankets of fireflies, moss here and there even flowers of white and pink scattered the area. With fog clouding their vision giving that mysterious vibe. "Marco? " ace spoke getting Marcos attention, helping his lover up, they all stare at the beautiful huge cave.

There where no light but illuminescense...

"Wait... Wheres dad?" ace stated and this got all of their attention. "Indeed wheres your father?" rouge spoke standing besides whitebeard and dragons wife. "Oyaji too yoi" said marco, panic starts to crawl on marcos shoulder seeing his father was no where in sight, Then suddenly a light was shown blinding their eyes and then there.

Sanju (Female sanji) and Zero (Zoro) came laying on the ground before grabbing their head in a dizzy matter. "So this is how we came here" Spoke Falker (Mihawk).

"Wheres uncle?" luffy stated and this got all of them feeling nervous until ace used his skills. "Did you found them ace?" spoke marco who then ace nod pointing at the black entrance/exit hole. Running as marco followed ace so did others.

The light from the far end came and it become bigger and bigger as they come closer.

Then the sun blind their eyes.

At the end of the cliff there, standing, the two legends staring on the edge. Marco sigh in relief and called for his father "Pops!" Marco run up to him so did ace until...

They gasp.

At the edge of the cliff they saw it.

The red line...

They were on a floating island cave, a small island that can accommodate a five hundred or more people. And infront of them is the huge red line wall...

Everyone jaw drop.

That meraculous redline, the entrance to the Grandline, that rivers mountain waterfalls. They stare down at the top of that red wall, and beyond that... The sea...

The grandline mother sea...

Marco intertwine his fingers with ace, getting closer as they stare at the missing sea... A new adventure... A new purpose... A new dream...

They found it... The grandline...

Then a floating creature like stingray flew past them, a size like a plane and this made others shiver in excitement.

New creatures to discover.

New things to discover.

Roger pat whitebeards arm and grin, feeling the tears falling of his eyes. "We found it partner" whitbeard stare at scenery. He felt his heart beating in excitement and in instinct he spoke.

"Were home..."

Everyone where shedding tears, it took years to find their home... Their dreams... Their adenvure and its right before their eyes, slight different... But its the same.

"Everyone!" shouted luffy bringing her fist up and grin at all of them.

"Shishishi! Let's go!"


They all cheer.

Ace heart soar, he find it they actually find it, his old time dream since he was a kid, he knows it already real but finding it was a hell of adventure and fighting. He grin at marco who he peck his cheeks to get his attention "Ne bird brain, ready for a new adventure?" marco stare at the grandline then to ace mischievous grin, grabbing aces chin he smirk.

"With you? Its always an adventure" ace gave a disgust look "Ew cheesy!" marco laugh hugging ace before kissing him.

The kiss was fullfilling like their dream finding the grandline.

Now... They accomplish their all time dream.

Whats next?

Just take an adventure and you'll found out...


(The End of the beginning)

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