Chapter 9

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Suna's POV:

"Uh suna? Any chance your uncle let someone else borrow the beach house?" Suga asked, concern in his voice as we drove towards the beach house.

Oikawa ended up driving us: him, Suga, Osamu, Atsumu, Sakusa and of course me, in his dads van.

It's been exactly a week since my first date with Osamu. Key word: first. He took me out another time and he'd come over to my house once or twice. I don't really count those as dates since it wasn't just the two of use there of course.

I learnt a lot about him. Actually it made me super glad he asked me out, because if we continued with what we were before then i wouldn't have got to know such a ... dare i say it.. sweet and interesting person. There. I said it. I like him, a lot.

"Huh?" I looked out the window, a few lights were on and if you looked close enough you could see the silhouettes of people. "Oh right- Yeah i forget to tell you i invited a few people."

"That seems like a big thing to forget that easily dumbass." Oikawa spoke as he started parking the van.

"I'm sorry i don't remember everything!"

"That doesn't matter." Suga intervened before we could start yet another argument. "So who's here?"

"Uhh- Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo and Tsukishima."

"How many bedrooms are there?!" Atsumu, who was sat in the back row, asked.

"Six. Don't worry. Ple~nty of room." I laughed. Finally the van stopped and we could all finally step out the van. Being able to get some fresh air and stretch our legs after a ride with 6 people sure is a relief.

Osamu walked over to me the first thing when he got out, "Suna?" I hummed in response, "When you say Akaashi, you mean Akaashi Keiji? Fukurōdani?"

"Yeah. Why? You know him?"

"I guess you could say that.." He shook his head, giving me a quick kiss to the head and walked off.

"You guys are cute." Atsumu, who just happened to creep behind me, uttered. "Oh and Akaashi is his ex, just saying." And Atsumu walked off too.

Fucking Miya's.

"Wait what?!" I called but nobody replied. They were already busy getting the bags out the van and running towards the giant beach house.
Quickly grabbing my bag and closing the door, i ran after the rest.
"You could say that?" I repeated Osamu's earlier words. "Not, 'oh yeah we dated'?"

Osamu let out an awkward laugh, "Yeah- But it was a while ago. He probably does even remember-"
I scoffed at him, really, i think he would remember his ex.

"Sup bitchesss!" Oikawa cheered out as he barged into the main room where the other four were.

"Sup fuckers!" Kuroo called after.

"You better not have started without us!" Next was suga, "Move hoes, mans gotta drink."

"Sugawara Koshi don't you dare!" I chased him into the kitchen. Tsukishima followed with a role of his eyes. He knew the protocol.

Leaving the rest.

After a bit of a reck in the kitchen with Tsukishima and I trying to stop Suga from getting into the drinks so early, we finally got back into the main room. Bokuto seemed to had already found his target to annoy for the night, Sakusa. And, to my displease, Osamu and Akaashi just happen to be talking. Of course i walked straight over to the two of them, a not so welcoming smile on my face.

"Heyy, small world huh?"

"It really is." Akaashi replied, his of.. menace in bai voice. "So are you two dating then?" With just a threatening smile as mine, Akaashi looked at me.

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