Chapter 11

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Suna's POV:

"Bokuto- Bokuto! No that's too much lemon juice!" After i awoke to an unfortunate empty bed, I walked into the kitchen to which i met Osamu, Akaashi and Bokuto there, what a lovely match.

"Can you shut up? My head is killing me." I complained, looking through the cupboards for some medication.

"It's 12pm, complaining hours are over sleepy head." Akaashi flicked me on the head.

Osamu turned around from the stove, which i just realised he was making pancakes. Where did he even get the ingredients for that- did they go to the shops already? Fuck people are maniacs.
He placed a kiss to my forehead, "Better?"

"No." I smiled at him, crushing his attempt for being cute.
"You're making pancakes?"

"No, i'm actually making flat
muffins." He sarcastically replied. "See, they're a lot like pancakes only that-"

"Okay shut up smart ass." I pushed him away.
Akaashi and Bokuto had wondered off at some time, i finally found some medication and Osamu finished making a lot of pancakes. Like a lot.

I walked into the main room, taking the closest seat next to me, which happened to be next to Akaashi.
"You two are really cute together." Akaashi spoke. "I'm happy for you."

"Oh- We're not actually dating- Well at least we haven't made it official- Speaking of, what happened between you two?" I couldn't help but ask. If i wasn't gonna get the information from Mr 'i don't have to like you ex's', then i'll get it from Akaashi. You can't blame me for being curious.

Akaashi shook his head in displease, "He was a good boyfriend and all but he just.. really over protective. Especially with Bokuto." He started explaining. "He couldn't stand the thought of us being in the same room together. So i told him if he can't trust me then we should just break up."

"Is that it?"

"Basically. Well... i guess he wasn't too happy when Bokuto and I started dating a few weeks after our break up... but he seemed to have changed now! Sorry, i shouldn't have told you that. You like him and i shouldn't be going on about his flaws." He waved his hands intent of his face.

"No no, thanks man. Honestly i was expecting worse. Besides, i like a protective man." I winked at him with a sly smirk.

And as if scripted, Osamu happened to walk in right after we had finished talking. His hands carrying a whole load of pancakes. Yep. That's my man. Suga followed after, holding plates of fruit, sugar & lemon and chocolate spread.

"Oh my god you are literally a god, i could kiss you right now!" Oikawa exclaimed, almost drooling over the sight.

"Hands off." I warned him, getting a laugh from Osamu.

"Soo why aren't you dating then?" Tsukishima, who sat on the other side of Akaashi, asked. "Sorry, i over heard."

I just shrugged my shoulders, "Its complicated."

"Is it though?"

Osamu took a seat on the floor near me, despite being many free chairs. I ignored their last question, directing my attention on the delicious looking food instead. Speaking of, i'm starving.

Around an hour later, we all kind of lazed around in the main room. Some were talking, most where just on their phones. Me being the most.

I was looking through videos and photos that i don't even remember taking last night. Most of them were blurry, but there were a few quality ones here and there. I stumbled across a photo of Osamu and I kissing, and it was surprisingly an amazing photo. The quality i mean- i guess the photo it's self was pretty cute too...
I ended up sending it to Osamu, his reaction to that was choking on nothing but air and his face turned pretty red, getting a few concerned faces. I was satisfied.

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