Chapter 27

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[A/n: There was originally a chapter before this one but it's incomplete and i have no energy <3

Christmas chapter]

Osamu's POV:

"Marry Christmas ya fuckin dumbass."

"Aren't you cheery." I sarcastically replied to my brother hitting me across the head first thing in the morning. "Sakusa already given you your Christmas gift already then?" I teased.

"Ah shut up. You're grumpy because Suna is at Akaashi's." He waved. "What must it feel like to know your current boyfriend is at your ex's house on Christmas mornin..."

"Shut it. It's a yearly thing and it would have been awkward if i were to come. Besides, we're going to that party later, remember? With him."

"Yeah yeah, okay. Speakin of, do you know who's gonna be there? Besides the usual lot."

"Only Aran and Kita could make it from our team. As for Suna's friends.. I don't really remember. I think Terushima's, from Johzenji, and his boyfriend."

"That guy has a boyfriend? Since when?"

"Fuck if i know. Ask Rin when you see him. I'm sure he has a whole story for you." Tsumu hummed, nodding his head. He proceeded to continue his morning by making two cups of coffee. One for him, and one for his boyfriend that came down only minuets after. Not for me. I had to make my own.

"I heard from Ushijima the two setters from Shiratorizawa are coming to the party." Sakusa spoke, leaning against the kitchen counter before taking a sip of his coffee.

Atsumu wasn't pleased with the mention of Ushijima. "Of course, Ushijima."

"You can't be jealous every time i mention him, Miya."

Before anything could expand into an argument, "Yeah well thank god ushijima isn't coming. Volleyballs biggest fact that him and Oikawa don't get along." I said, taking a sip of my still hot coffee. "Anyway, how did those two even get invited?"

Surprisingly Sakusa actually had an answer for me. Quite an interesting one too. "Terushima and shirabu had a little thing a while back." He sighed as if it was a nuisance to him. "No hard feelings between them so no awkwardness, hopefully."

I don't know how our morning turned into a whole drama spilling session but it did. We had also exchanged a few gifts between us. Tsumu and i giving each other shitty joke gifts just like every year. The two love birds saved theirs for later, most likely for privacy. And i gave Sakusa one of those simple beauty set things. Because i really didn't know what else to get that guy.

It didn't feel like long until we'd once again arrived at the place Rin liked to call the 'weed beach house'. But thankfully there was no weed for today. Just alcohol. Quite a bit of it.

It was also the first time i'd seen Rin for three days. Which may seems like a short amount of time, but a new record for us. And i guess the image of him staying at Akaashi's on Christmas eve to morning didn't sit well. Though he seemed just as excited to see me as we pulled up to the place. "Hey!" He grinned and quickly wrapped his arms around me. I stumbled back a bit at the fast, and strong, embrace, but hugged him back only a second later.

"Hey." I laughed, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "Merry Christmas Rin."

"Merry Christmas." He sweetly smiled back.

We were non surprisingly the last people there. The facetime call we'd got from parents before we left kept us behind.
We said out greetings and casual exchange of 'merry christmas' to everyone.

Everyone being; Oikawa and Suga (obviously), Iwaizumi and Daichi, Tsukishima and Kuroo, Aran and Kita, Terushima and Daishou then Semi and Shirabu. Of course Rin and I, and Sakusa and Tsumu.
Sixteen people..

We were all settling down when Suna came up to me, whispering into my ear like the fucking tease he is, "I haven't seen you in three days, Osamu. I don't think a hug and a head kiss is gonna keep me going." I wanted to push him off and walk away right then. At the same time i wanted to hold him and kiss him in front of everyone. But he walked away instead. Okay.. what am i supposed to do now...
"I'll sort out the drinks." He announced to everyone. "Help me out, Osamu."

"Uh, yeah." I shook my head for being an awkward shit. Standing up from the couch and following him into the kitchen.

"Ah hopefully my uncle stocked enough alcohol for those lot. I wasn't expecting half of them to come." He sighed, opening a few cupboards to expose said alcohol. And it looks like enough for sure. "You'll be alright, right?"

"Yeah..? Should i not be?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "You get nervous around my friends when first meeting them. I don't want you not having fun because of that."

Wow.. that's actaully very considerate of him. "I think i'll be just fine with them. How was Akaashi and Bokuto anyway?"

"Good, good. So we make out now, yeah?" He said in a casual way. As if asking me to pass a cup. But it wasn't. He's asking to make out. With 14 people in the next room.


"It's not like i need help with this, and i told you a hug and a head kiss isn't enough." He propped himself up onto a counter. "So," He dragged me forward with the collar of my top, wrapping his legs around me too. "let's."

Only four minuets passed until suga strutted in. Claiming he got impatient and if we wanted to make out, the drinking area wasn't the place. Which is slightly true. But not my fault. It's the fucking guy who still hung onto me with his lips pressed against
my neck as Sugawara talked. Not even bothered. Not my fault.
"Alright, wrap it up pretty boy. You weren't separated that long." Suga physically pushed Suna's head away. "You can't be the only one having fun tonight. *I'd* like to get drunk."

"Yeah okay." He mumbled in reply, hopping off the counter and actually started helping with the drinks.

We'd brought the whole lot into the main room and people standing up to grab a starting drink. We, Suna and I, were walking back to the group when, "Heyy Suna~" A blonde sang as we reached the main room again. Terushima, i've met him maybe once or twice. Him and Atsumu hung out a couple of times. A forced friendship that never worked out. Too similar maybe. "Looking extra hot today." He complimented as he got closer to my boyfriend. My.

You'd think they're about to kiss. Suna didn't move as Terushima only came closer. Their bodies almost pressed, their noses almost touching. The fuck is this.
I could see the other dude, Daishou was it?, behind. Rolling his eyes at the scene.
"I'm always hot. What do you want Teru?"

"Ah you know me too well. I know we're short on bedrooms but is it okay if Daishou and I get a room to ourselves? You know how it is.."

Suna pressed one finger towards Teru's forehead. Pushing him away, finally. "There's six bedrooms and eight couples. We've already organised bedrooms. You're lucky i'm not making you sleep outside. That's a no." Technically he could still have a bedroom to themselves..

"But sunaa~"

"You can fuck in the cupboard." He waved off. Oh so causally. How did these two even become friends again? "If you're quiet."

"Funny." The blond sarcastically replied before getting dragged away by Daishou.

If this is how the night is gonna be. I want to get wasted. Enough to deal with a flirty Suna.

We'd all grabbed a drink and sat around the room. "Merry fuckmas bitches!" Kuroo was the one who started the cheers. Everyone repeated the same thing:

"Merry fuckmas!"

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