She Is Not Sweet

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Reader's P.O.V.

My aunt and I entered another store and split off to look around. I was strolling through the shoe department checking out a pair of boots when I felt someone behind me. For a moment, I assumed it was another patron hoping to get a better look at the section I was hogging, but as I turned around, I found that that wasn't the case. When I turned halfway, my heart sank. I was face to face with Neru and her sour expression.

Although she was definitely too close for comfort, I greeted her softly. She didn't budge and boy did her expression reek of disdain. I felt her bitterness seeping out of every pore—it was choking me like a thick, undulating smoke. I sidestepped into the open aisle. Having my back plastered to the shoe cubbies and locking eyes with someone who obviously doesn't like you isn't the best feeling in the world... especially when you don't know if they're armed. Considering everything leading up to this situation, it's not like I'm about to just blind my faith. Especially not with this chick's straight-up hostility. I squared my shoulders and cocked my head a little. I didn't want to play with her, so I stood my ground, "May I help you?"

"Don't act coy," she snapped coldly, "I want you to listen to me and listen well when I say: stay away from Len. I can see he's taken a liking to you for some strange reason and I'm not allowing this to go any further. Stay away from him. That's all."

I was stunned. Too many things felt like they were happening suddenly, and in a moment of unadulterated courage, I placed my hands on my hips and shook my head.

"I'm sorry that you feel threatened by my presence, but I'll have you know that you have no authority over me nor can you tell me what to do with my life. I'm not going to take your boyfriend from you; keep him if that's truly what you want. Above all: my decisions with my life affect me and in no way would they affect you. If anyone has to "back off", it's you and your spiteful vibes."

Neru glared at me, muttering something as about me not being "worth her time". She strode out of my line of vision with such audacity... I couldn't help my heavy sigh escape me. That was the first time I stepped up to someone, really. My courageous high ran out and I was anxious, shaky, and absolutely dumbfounded. Did I really just do that? Did she really just do that? What is this, a teen movie? She caused such a scene and acted like a child who didn't get their way when I stood up to her. Unbelievable! I definitely got the gist that she was jealous, but cornering me? Did she follow me to the mall?! Okay, I actually doubt that and it was probably a coincidence, but this still made me feel weird.

"Well she's surely a pleasant one, hmm? Man, what's her problem?" I huffed to myself, a bitter chuckle escaping me shortly afterwards. The boots that had my attention before completely faltered and I just wanted to go home. I was about to text my aunt when she piped up behind me.

"Oh, you know how girls your age are, dear. She's probably jealous of you."

I turned to my left to see my aunt pouting. She looked worried and pat my shoulder gently before turning away and waving me to follow. Her attention went elsewhere, but number one, when did my aunt even get there? Two, what in the name of hell about me was worth getting worked up over? Even Miss Sakane said that Neru is a jealous girl, but in no way would I be anything to worry about. I've never even been on a date, how am I supposed to steal someone's boyfriend? Has she seen me? I'm a shut-in and definitely not in the market for taken people—especially when they were my former bully.

I pushed the events that had transpired to the back of my mind as my aunt and I shopped a little more. I refused to let the incident get to me. It was idiotic! After our mall excursion, we went to the supermarket to pick up a couple of household necessities and some groceries. Once we made it home, I helped my aunt Ann put everything away while she prepped for dinner. Once I finished with my job, my aunt told me to put my clothes away. I did eventually put my clothes away, but I mixed and matched with stuff in my closet and tried them on in front of my mirror. Everything felt so nice and comfy, it was as though I were on cloud nine. And for once, I was content... something I hadn't felt in quite some time.

Uncle Yohio made it home in time for dinner to be served. My aunt made one of my favorites, and even though it was my turn to wash dishes, I was still floating on cloud nine. It sounds silly, but I felt like that one character who got to eat fancy tuna for once in her life. My aunt helped me dry the dishes and for dessert, we had cupcakes my uncle brought home from work. Since it was just the three of us, we played Uno where I only lost lost three out of seven games. My uncle really loves Uno. Later that night, I also got to take a bubble bath without Yuuma banging on the door for me to get out.

Back in my room, I was chilling with some of my favorite songs while I did some reading. Somehow or other, it came down to me looking through my photo album. Mom and Dad always looked so happy. From what I could reverse, they only had a handful of fights, but nothing ever lasted longer than an hour. They doted on me and I returned the affection by adoring them. We were a really happy family. And it still hurts to think about them.

I really miss them.

Tragedy will always target those who were meant to feel the pain. It's been getting better little by little; there's some semblance of progress at least. A bittersweet smile laced itself upon my lips and I was able to feel some closure, but I still wanted to cry. I missed hearing my mom calling me for dinner. I missed my dad laughing with me when we watched TV... I missed hugging them when they picked me up from school and telling them all about my day.

My life had changed and I'm not sure if it was for the better. I was in this new town, I had a new pace to follow. Everyday was roulette with Yuuma around and now I was presented with the opportunity to join a gang! The position was free and open for me anytime... thoughts of joining Demon Fang were becoming a little more than just fantasy. I could see myself agreeing and becoming a legitimate member. But... what would being in a gang entail? Would I have to hurt someone?

Overall, as trapped in a loop as I was in my thoughts, I knew I could always look at a bird and feel okay. I knew deep down I was going to be okay. With those final thoughts, I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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