Is This An Ambush?

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Len's P.O.V.

The walk to Yuuma's was pretty good. A brisk pace and light breeze made me feel a little better. My nerves were usually steeled, but today made me feel slightly off. I knocked on Yuuma's front door and his dad opened it.

Yohio gasped, smiled, and ruffled my head, "Hey, Len! How's it going, kid?"

A small smile made its way to my lips... simple affection wasn't usually given to me from others, so it often threw me for a loop. His casual friendliness was a nice change and it made me feel warm. He's a good guy and his wife, Ann, is just as sweet.

"It's been good, sir. How are you?"

"That's wonderful to hear! All's been pretty nice on my end. Care to come in?"

"Yes, please. I'm here to pick up [_____]."

"Oh! You're the one she's been talking about. She's getting ready right now. Why don't you have a seat in the kitchen? Ann made some delicious pecan tarts."

Reader's P.O.V.

"You know I still barely trust you, right?" I asked him. He nodded as he led me throughout the woods. It was barely noon on a Sunday, and I was following my former bully through the woods. Everything about this set off red flags but I knew how to fight if I had to. My uncle Yohio gave me self-defense combat lessons when I was growing up.

"Best to know in case you have to use 'em." he told me.

I was already skeptical, but then I totally began compensating why I agreed to do this. Just on Friday, he made me feel like a fool and yesterday he converted? Something was blatantly shady and I wasn't sure if I was ready to uncover what the hell was going on. But the sooner it was out in the open the better. I was prepared. Kinda.

Len had a good hold on my wrist as he guided me through the forest. I guess in the middle of it, he noticed that I was tense because he stopped us both and stared into my eyes.

"You'll be fine, [_____]. I promised nothing was going to happen to you and I'd be damned if anything were to happen to you now. Besides, this forest can get so little slippery. Watch your step over here."

He maneuvered me away from a fallen branch sinking into the mud, tugging me along. I was still really wary, yet I complied. I couldn't trust anybody just because they apologized, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. We walked in silence for a while longer, but if I didn't ask at that moment, I feel the answer would be lost to time.

"Why the change of heart, Kagamine?"

His expression was always such a distorted book. Legible at some points, but otherwise submerged in a swirling mess of ink and miasma. At this moment, however, I recognized the sheer surprise. He could attempt to hide it all he'd like, but even I realized he was caught off guard. That was unusual.

"I genuinely saw what I was doing to you. And how bad it was effecting you. If you'd rather believe this to be a joke-because I'm just that bad of a guy-it's because I'm going to use this to crawl into your brain and do science experiments like an evil genius."

I snorted out a laugh and leaned against a tree, "Okay, I'm a little convinced about your authenticity. Mostly due to the fact you can't even do your algebra homework so I don't think you're capable of scientific calculations for manipulation."

Kagamine flicked my shoulder playfully. "Don't be pretentious, you snob. A lot of unsmart people can use manipulation against others... it's a harsh reality."

I stared at him. "First off, "unsmart" isn't a word, but I understand what you mean. Too many cases where victims were asked "Why didn't you leave?" or "Didn't you realize it was abuse?"."

Kagamine let go of my wrist and placed his hand atop my head.

"Anyways, if you really think I have an ulterior motive, I can take you back home. I'm not about to drag drag you to my base, but I really did want to take you to check it out."

"I'm willing to follow you. I wanna see it and you promised to introduce me to the members. That's a sign of trust, Kagamine. I'm not about to break that."

To clarify, after agreeing to accept his change of character yesterday, Len had offered to take me to his base in the forest to meet those in his immediate gang. With his command, they follow his every word and with his word: protecting and shielding me from anyone else around the school. If someone was brave enough to face me they'd get the bottom end of a boot to their face by order of Kagamine. I could have just been left alone with silent guardians, but I'd like to know who's now on my side. Considering Kagamine's got this new leaf, this was the least I could do. I was intrigued by all of this.

"Well duh, it's trust. You don't have to consider me one, but I'm a friend now," he told me over his shoulder

If you are my friend, Kagamine. If I must stab you in the back and twist the knife: it is because you have broken your promise to me. Know that...

"Okay, we're here at my base. It's about thirty minutes on foot from town, and this is where I live sometimes." Kagamine explained as he opened the door to the "base". The so-called base was an old run-down looking house abandoned years prior to even discovering it again.

When he opened the door, the warming smell of homemade rice and chicken made my mouth water. I glanced over at Kagamine to which he laughed, "Dude, you're frickin' drooling. But yay, that means she's here!"

In the midst of me wiping my mouth with my sleeve, Kagamine grabbed at my other hand and rushed me down the hall into a kitchen. I'd never seen him so giddy... I always imagined him to sit around, rubbing his hands, plotting evil things to do. This was definitely unusual, but once again, I was curious.

Complicated (Len × Reader) (under major editing atm)Where stories live. Discover now