First Encounter

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y/n pov;

Wow, just wow. He is so breath taking. I thought, my eyes laying onto a tall boy with black hair. I felt my cheeks start to heat up so I quickly looked away. My gaze fell upon my brother who was conversating with three other boys. One with silver hair, another with black hair and lastly one with long brown hair. "Kenji?" I asked, poking him in the back. He turned around and frowned at me.
"Can you give me five more minutes please!" He groaned.
"No Kenji! I have to get home and grab my soccer bag!" (i'm making you guys play a sport so it will help u later.) I said, grabbing his shirt.
"Just walk by yourself than." Tsukishima's voice rang behind me. "Cant walk home by yourself." He sneered.
"Tsuki! Mind your buisness!" I yelled at him, looking back at my brother. "Please come on!"
My brother rolled his eyes at his friends.
"Didn't know your little sister was high school already! I think last time I saw her was 3 years ago." The silver haired one said.
"Suga? Wait is that really you?" I said, my face instantly lighting up.
"Yes y/n, did you not notice me, Daichi or Asahi? How rude!" He chuckled giving me a hug.
"Hey hands off hot shot." My brother said pulling Suga off me.
I laughed it off, rubbing the back of my head.
"Now we can leave." My brother said, grabbing me by my wrist, leading me out the building. A big smile wiped across my face as I stuck my other arm in the air, waving goodbye. The 3 boys waved goodbye to me as I left.
( guys i forgot asahi wasn't on the team yet😫 umm let's just pretend he is 😀)

-time skip-
After my practice I hurried out, wanting to get home as quick as I could to shower. I could feel the sweat dripping down all over me as the late summer sun hit my body. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, tilting my head back to drink my water. I walked forward only to feel myself come to a sudden halt.
"Come on, watch where you're-" I stopped only to see the tall black haired boy in my way.
"Sorry." He mumbled in a rude tone.
"I, I'm sorry about that, I thought you were someone else." I said, stumbling over my words.
"Clean off your face, you're full of sweat." He said handing me a towel.
I nodded grabbing the towel, using it to soak the sweat off of my face and neck. "Thank you." I smiled slightly, handing him back the towel.
"You can keep it." He said with a disgusted look. He than continued to walk off towards the streets.
I let out a relieved sigh, continuing to walk towards my road.
This towel, I kinda wanna smell it. Wait no that's so weird and unsanitary. But what if he smells good? No it has to be his sweat towel so it HAS to smell bad. Why did I just think that! Ugh i'm so gross.
Having those thoughts cross my mind made me sick to my stomach. I rushed home to see my mother making dinner.
"Hurry up and wash up, I don't want the food to get cold." She said as I entered the door.
I nodded and quickly went to shower

-time skip 3 days-
"Kenji come on, not again!" I groaned walking into the gym.
"5 more minutes!" he squealed, acting like a toddler.
Rolling my eyes I peered over to watch the other boys warm up. There he was, standing tall and completely focused. A energetic orange haired boy bounced into the air, hitting the ball right over the net. That was so fast! It is amazing! I thought, as the ball rolled over to my feet. Using my foot, I kicked it up into the air, and into my hands.
"Woah that was so cool! Can you teach me how you did that! Teach me, teach me!" The ginger exclaimed.
"Hinata, there's no time for goofing around, we have to master this quick attack." The crow haired boy yelled, clearly angry.
"Maybe another time?" I smiled softly, handing him the ball.
His sad look turned into a smile quickly after the words came out of my mouth. He nodded and spoke quickly, "names Shoyo Hinata by the way, first year, the next ace of karasuno!"
I smiled at him, "l/n, f/n! I can't wait to see you play!"
"Hina-" the angry boy was cut off by Hinata,
"Kageyama don't yell at me, i'm coming!"
I chuckled at them before turning to see my brother looking at me.
"Loose the heart eyes for the first year." He demanded, slapping my back.
"I'll catch you guys later tonight!" He waved at the 3 third years, leading me out of the gym.
"They're coming over tonight?" I said looking up at Kenji.
"Just the 3 boys, not your two new boyfriends." he laughed at me.
"You're so annoying, let's go." I croaked leading the way home.

-time skip after soccer practice-
(side note: soccer and volleyball practice ends at the same time we will say :) )

I walked in the door and up to my room. I dropped my bag and than quickly hopped in the shower.
I slipped on some shorts, a baggy t-shirt and some long socks. I quickly hurried down stairs following the smell of chicken and rice. Popping into the kitchen I saw Suga, Daichi, and Asahi. They all had food stuffed in there mouths, arguing over some sport. I smiled to myself happy to see them all at my house again.
It's been 3 years since I last saw them. My brother and them grew a little distant at the beginning of highschool because they played different sports, and when they did come over I was never home. I grabbed myself a dish before scoffing it down. I shared and few words with the boys before heading back to my room.
Looking down at my phone I saw a notification that shocked me....

i hope you guys are enjoying this. I lied, this might actually be a long story ahaha, well enjoy!

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