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y/n pov:

Kageyama looked at me than back at Shoyo. "I have to help clean up, call me when there is actually something important." He groaned, walking back into the gym.
A frown came across Shoyo's face as it quickly turned to a confused look. His eyes peered into mine that were now looking up at his.
"Geeze, I didn't think he was that off at practice today. Maybe me missing those balls really ticked him off. Oh well!" He giggled, walking closer to me.
"Hey you don't look too well." He said, waving his hand in front of my face.
I just started blankly at him. I was trying to speak, but the words just didn't come out. What's happening to me? Why am I unable to talk? Shoyo, my head hurts. Shoyo, can you hear me? Please help. I thought before everything went black.

I awoken to hear multiple voices talking. I squinted, using my elbows to slightly lift myself up. I was on a sweatshirt on the gym floor?
"Oh you are awake! Thank goodness!" I heard Sugas cheerful voice say, his face appearing in front of mine.
"Good morning. Breakfast please." I groaned, rubbing my eyes before continuing, "Why does my head hurt, why am I so hungry."
"Oh y/n, you idiot." Suga scolded, hitting my back firmly with an annoyed smile.
My eyes focused as I saw the first and third years gathered around, giving me weird looks. The second years were on an overnight trip today, so they weren't at practice. One thing I did realize is that Kageyama was also missing. At least that is what I thought until I hear a smack of a volleyball onto the gym floor. My head swiveled to the noise as I saw him grabbing another ball.
"Hey Kageyama, wrap it up! Y/n is now awake so we can head home!" Suga yelled, guiding me to my feet.
He nodded before perfectly setting a ball as it hit a water bottle. Then he started to pick everything back up and putting it away.
"Finally we can go home." I heard Tsuki scoff.
"I just woke up from being dead and this is how you want to treat me? You're no better than Kageyama." I grunted, heading for the exit.
"Did you and your boyfriend get in a little fight." He pouted, resting his hands on the back of his head. (like the iconic killua pose)
"Jealous huh salt shaker. Guess being salty just fits with the name." I smiled, turning my head back.
"That's enough you two!" Daichi snapped, "Tsuki, go help your competitor clean up, and Y/n let's get you home before your brother kills us!"
Tsuki rolled his eyes before heading to the closet with Yamaguchi following behind.
I walked outside to feel the slightly cool air run through my hair. It was starting to feel like winter, one of the prettiest times of year.

-time skip-

It was around 6:00pm when I had finally got home, 30 minutes later than usual. Kenji scolded me and the 3 third years for being "irresponsible" and "unreliable." It was all just words that floated over my head.
I felt heavy and weak as I wobbled into bed. Me eyes shut as I was still in my practice gear, causing me to sleep.

-time skip to morning-

It was friday morning and I had overslept. It was around 11 by the time I woke up, so there was no point going to school.
My feet guided me to the warm smell of soup. I was practicing drooling as I walked down the stairs.
My eyes fixated on 4 boys gathering around the kitchen table.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." Suga smiled at me softly, his expression quickly changing when he felt a hard bonk of the head.
"No flirting with my sister!" Kenji growled, pointing a large spoon at him.
Asahi and Daichi waved at me with small smiles. I returned one back before making my way over to them.
"Why are you all here and not at school?" I asked, confusion filling the air.
"Well after yesterday we got pretty worried so we stayed the night! Than you never ended up waking in time for school, so we thought that we mine as well stay home too!" Daichi said, grabbing a bowl.
"Well aren't they going to think that's suspicious. The four knuckle heads all missing from school." I joked as Daichi handed me a bowl.
"Whatever, they don't have practice today anyways, so they are in the clear." Kenji said.
"Oh why not? You guys usually practice every day?" I asked.
"We are setting off for Inter High tomorrow! Coach gave us the night off to rest before the big day." Daichi replied. (I knew inter high takes place in summer, but winter just sounds better to me, so i'm changing it😁)
I gave a quick nod before eating along with the 4 boys.

"Hey, I know this is sudden but, do you want to come with us? Kenji is coming along and he said you won't have soccer until Tuesday, so what do you think? I'm sure all the boys will be glad to have you." Suga smiled at me.
"Oh I don't know. I was thinking of hanging with Ayane." I sighed heavily.
"You were with her last weekend! Come on please! You can come as a manager, and help the other teams along with ours!" He exclaimed. "Some schools lack a manager, so it would be so kind of you to help them, right?" Suga reassured.
"Well I mean I can't pass on helping out others. You guys better win though, or i'm going home." I shook my finger at the boys, taking my plate to the sink.
The all cheered and laughed, clearly excited for the next day.

-time skip-

It was after the boys had headed home, around 7:30pm. I went to my room and started to pack my bags when I heard my phone ding.

-new text message, Hinata🍤🏐-

Hinata: Hey y/n! I heard you are coming to help out at the tournament😜🤪
Me and all the boys are so excited! You should of seen Tsuki and Kageyama's face😅
I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, please bring snacks and i'll save you a spot next to kags😁😁😁🥰😉

(i feel like he uses a lot of random emojis)

y/n: haha thanks! i'll be sure to bring something for all of you guys! also don't get any funky ideas!!

-end of text-
Do you even think Kageyama would let me sit next to him? I mean it's been a week now since we have officially talked. Well maybe I will take it as a chance to talk it out with him. Ya! That sounds right. At least I hope so...

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