Bus Ride

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y/n pov:

It was 4:30 in the morning. My body was struggling to lift itself out of my bed. I let out many groans as I heard a tap on my door. It was then slid up by my older brother who had the same look on his face as I did. Dead beat tired. We both laughed at each other's face, pointing and mimicking one another.

The light mood caused me to gain the ability to rise to my feet. I quickly made my bed before speaking,
"I'll be down in a few minutes, can you start breakfast up? I'll clean it up so it's even." I smiled, turning on the lamp next to my bed. Kenji nodded before sliding the door shut and walking down the stairs.

My gaze turned to my closet as I started to sort through my clothes. Today the boys would just be arriving there and practicing if they wanted. So I didn't need to wear anything fancy. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a karasuno sweatshirt and changed.

After I finished getting ready and prepping my bags, I carried them down the stairs and near the door. I than entered the kitchen to see my mom and dad who seemed to be awake. My mom was sitting on the couch with my dad who was watching the TV.

"Good morning sweetie! We just decided to wake up in order to say goodbye!" She smiled, walking over to me. Her warm body pressed against mine as she hugged me. I hugged back with a smile on my face, my eyes still drowsy.

"Grab yourself some coffee if you like! Make some tea for Kenji while he makes breakfast. You can just leave the dishes because I don't have work today." She spoke softly.

I nodded at my mom before tending to her instructions. I made myself an ice coffee and my brother a matcha green tea. I placed both of them in our cups that look identical, and slid on the lids.

-time skip-

Me and Kenji arrived as well as Suga, who we ran into on the way. Suga had a bag for volleyball and a bag for school. He always said studying helped him stay calm.

Everyone around us looked as tired as ever. They all had comfortable clothes on that kept them warm. The cold air caused our breaths to form little smoke clouds. All of us were fascinated with them.

"Good morning everybody. I believe we are all here, so please start boarding, and keep quiet so I can sleep!" Coach Ukai announced, pointing to the bus.

First went the third years, then the second years, and lastly the first years.

At that time I ran into Hinata who looked as energetic as ever.
"Oh hey y/n! Aren't you excited? I'm so excited! Do you think the ride will be long? Why did we have to leave so early." He said, energy bursting from his seems.
"Shut up Hinata." Kageyama said, hitting the orange haired boys head. He than flicked his gaze towards me.

I looked away and back at the ground, avoiding the eye contact. I'm usually challenging him to a staring contest, or to who would look away first. Why am I looking away? Wow, looks like I have turned into a baby. Idiot, just get on the bus already. I thought before my feet lead me to the doors.

I tossed one of my bags into the compartment before carrying my smaller one onto the bus with me. I sighed to see that the only open seat was next to Kageyama. I mean I actually was quiet happy, but I needed to just play it off.
"Hey i'm sorry, but this is the only open seat left." I said, standing in the aisle.
"Go ahead." He said, facing towards the window, raising his chin up. I nodded and sat down. This wasn't usually like me as I'm usually man spreading, and slouching in my seat. Instead I sat up straight, with my legs together and my head pointed downwards.

"Relax will you, your making me uncomfortable." He scoffed, looking at me.
My gaze rose up to his. His beautiful blue eyes reflecting onto mine. Oh how I could get lost into these things like an ocean.
"Yeah sorry about that." I said shifting in my seat. "So how are you do-" I was cut off to him placing his ear buds in his ears. A frown appeared on my face. I couldn't tell if I was sad or agitated. My eyes fixed back onto my lap as I pulled out my phone. I than placed in my own earbuds and turned on some music. My eyes felt heavy as everything started to go black.

I woke up to the noise of many cars honking, and a few voices.
"Oh I know this man ain't honking at us! Watch it short stack or we will run you over!" I heard Tanka yell out the window, Nishinoya and Hinata cheering him on.
"Tanaka sit your ass down!" Daichi yelled at him, nearly making Tanka pee his pants.

I had kept my eyes closed, not wanting to open them to see the bright sun. It felt warm on my face as it was beating through the window. The sun soon made me realize it wasn't the only warm thing on my face, it was also someone else.
My eyes slowly opened to see my head on Kageyamas shoulder. My mind started to freak out, but my body remained still. I felt my cheeks turn pink as I came to the realization, and quickly closed my eyes again. I thought to myself, I'll just play it off cool as if i'm just waking up or something.
I than did just that. I rolled my head off his shoulder and leaning it the opposite way. My eyes pinched tightly a few times before slowly opening up.

"Good morning y/n!" I heard Hinata say as his face suddenly appeared in front of mine. "Didn't know if I should of disrupted yours and Kageyama's little cuddle session." He said wriggling his eye brows. I swatted at him, adjusting myself in my seat.

"It's not like that Hinata. I was just letting her rest." It was Kageyama who spoke up. I looked over to see him resting his face on his arm, peering out the window.

"Thanks." I mumbled, taking my ear buds out.

"Everybody up! We have arrived!" Coach Ukai announced. "Tanaka you can carry the managers bags since you think it's funny to put food on your coaches sleeping face." He smiled, walking toward the front of the bus.
Everybody laughed before exiting the bus and into the large crowd of people.

This was the start of the tournament, and I think everybody was excited as ever...

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