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Hinata's pov:

"So do you think she is going to add me back? Tsuki, Yams, anyone!" I pleaded looking around at everyone.
"Yeah, you will be lucky if she does." Tsuki laughed, pressing his glasses up his nose.
"HAHA BOOM!" I yelled in his face, flashing my phone at him, showing him the new notification I got. "She added me back, haha, she added me back!" I chanted with a big smile.

(i will do hinata's text in bold and yours in normal so it doesn't get all twisted!)

hey l/n it's Hinata! Just wanted to say hi😁
oh hey what's up!
not much just chilling with tsuki, yamaguchi, and kageyama.
oh awesome :) got any games coming up?
a few practice matches!!! you should come and watch
i'll try, it's hard with soccer going on right now
you play soccer? is that why you did that cool foot thing?? after my practice tomorrow at 11 do you think you could come to the school and teach me it? me and kageyama usually stay after anyways so it won't be any different??!!
sure, i don't have practice tomorrow , so i'll be there!
okay i gtg (got to go) bye bye!! see you than
ttyl! (talk to you later)

y/n pov:
I wasn't expecting that at all, hopefully Kenji doesn't mind taking me there. I got up and walked down the hall to my brothers room. I knocked on the door, as I heard the boys yelling. My brothers big head popped out.
"Do you mind! I have friends over y/n!" He scolded, giving me a stank eye.
"Shut up! I was just wondering if... I could umm.. maybe get dropped off at the school tomorrow?" I said looking down at my feet.
"Sure, yeah,whatever, now get out!" He said slamming the door on my face. I smiled and walked back to my room, hoping into bed, just waiting for it to be the next day.

-time skip to morning, post breakfast-
"y/n, if you want to come hurry up!" Kenji yelled up the stairwell. I hurried down, slipping a piece of prewrap (it's basically a head band) over my head. The four boys exited the house, with me following closely behind.
"Coming around a lot now huh." Suga chuckled nudging my shoulder. "Like any of the first years?"
I laughed at him fixing the strap of my bag."No! Hinata just asked me to show him a few soccer related things." I mumbled.
"So what about Kageyama. He has a little bit of an attitude so I would watch out."
"Uh, no! I um...Wait what was the question?"I giggled nervously.
"Hmm, i'll keep that in mind." Suga smiled fixing his silver hair. (okay suga so kiss me, anyways...)

After walking for a few more minutes we reached the gym. I left the boys inside and picked a spot in the grass to start juggling my ball.

-time skip after practice-
"y/n are you here?" I heard a voice shout. I poked around the corner to see Hinata looking around, sweat dripping from his nose.
"There you are! Teach me the trick now please!" He pleaded bouncing around.
(also lets say noya is back on the team too)
"Woah woah woah shoyo! Who is this babe!" A short boy said, with a taller almost bald boy walking behind him. Their eyes shaped as hearts as they looked at me.
"I am single, please take the honor of being my girlfriend. " The gray haired one said, kneeling down, and grabbing my hand.
"No Tanaka she is mine!" The other boy said kneeling next to him.
I laughed, my face turning pink as the two boys were practically drooling.
"How do you two do it, you guys are so wise with words." Hinata said, dropping to his knees and placing his hands together as if he was doing a prayer.
"Guys that's enough." I laughed, pulling my hand away. "Hinata i'll show you that trick now if you want." I smiled.
He nodded as I taught him how to do it. Let me tell you, I'm glad he plays a sport with his hands, because the feet to eye coordination is not working.
Hinata  finally kicked the ball up in the air, and he started to jump around all excited. The two other boys started cheering, jumping around with him. They all stopped when they heard a voice yell.
The four of us turned to see Kageyama holding the ball and rubbing his head.
"Are you kidding me! Watch it you dumb idiot!" He said running up to Hinata and jabbing him in the side.
Hinata winced in pain, but let out a chuckle as well as the other boys.
"I'm sorry, that was my fault." I claimed, helping Hinata to his feet. "Oh also, here is this!" I said plopping the towel he once gave me into his hands. "Clean that sweat off your face." I mimicked with a smile.
He let out a small chuckle, loosening up his shoulders. He wiped his face clear of the sweat before putting it into his bag.
"My name is Tobio Kageyama by the way." He said.
"Oh mine is-" a voice cut mine off swiftly.
"l/n,y/n. I bet every boy in this school knows it already!" Tsukishima said, walking by us.
I rolled my eyes before fixing my gaze back onto Kageyama.
"Well I think i'm going to head home. Hinata i'll show you some more tricks another time!" I said, forcing a smile.
What Tsuki said kind of hurt. Maybe I'm just being over dramatic, but it was also embarrassing. Now Kageyama is going to think I sleep with everyone, great. I thought, causing my light mood to drop. I then shook my head, leading myself out of my thoughts and back to reality.
"Don't cry about it!" Tsuki laughed, tilting his head towards me.
"Loose the attitude bean pole. Talk to me when you don't smell like a soggy ham sandwich." I snapped, pushing by him and toward the road.
"Tsuki calm down." Yams said, pulling him away from the crowd.
"Hey sorry about that, do you wanna stop by Ukai's store and grab a snack?"...

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