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Kageyama's pov:

Did I really just ask her to grab a snack at a little store run by my smoked filled lunged coach?
Good going kags, she is really going to think that's cute. I got to stop over thinking things, now she might think me being nice is random and weird. No, just relax. Hinata will probably say something to smooth it out.
"Kageyama you took the words right out of my mouth! I'm starving, let's hurry!" He shouted, walking his bike onto the side walk.
Tanaka and Noya waved at us, "we are going to just follow Kiy- I mean, just head home! Haha, yup, head home" They both yelled, arguing as they spoke.
I waved them goodbye and the three of us headed towards the store. The walk was quiet until Hinata started racing ahead, trying to make it a competition. I had no choice but to match his energy and race after him.
"Who ever looses buys the food!" Hinata yelled as we sprinted up the hill.

Both of us were bent over, hands on our knees, breathing heavily.
"I...won." I snuck out between breaths.
"Ugh! 36 to 40! You are too far ahead now. I will not loose again!" Hinata said, but I barely heard his words as my eyes laid on y/n, who was looking around as she appears over the hill. I've never seen someone who was so observant of nature. Her eyes went from side to side, up and down, behind and in front, all to look at a couple houses, grass and the small trees. I felt my face was heating up more than it was before, so I quickly turned and headed into the store.
"Hurry up y/n before Kageyama takes all the good snacks!" I heard Hinata shout to her before racing in.
I looked over my shoulder to see y/n and my coach talking. They seemed pretty familiar with each other, which was a little weird, but it didn't bother me. I just grabbed my milk and looked around at the foods.

y/n pov:

"Hey Ukai! How's it going!" I smiled, giving the man a small wave. "Drop those cigarettes already! I told you they were bad for you!"
"Geeze you sound like my mom." He chuckled tossing it into a cigarette bin. "How's everything at home? How's mom?" He smirked slightly, lying his head on his arm which pressed against the counter.
"She is doing well, you know she is married coach." I giggled, looking at the section of gum.
"Yeah yeah, don't remind me. Now what's got you messing around with these two? Your brother introduced you to all the boys i'm guessing?" He questioned.
"Yes he has, and we were just exchanging tips and tricks of our sports to each other." I smiled, grabbing a spearmint pack of gum.
He nodded slightly as the two boys walked over placing down their items.
"Pick something out, Hinata is buying." Kageyama said fixing his hair. I nodded grabbing a pork bun and a apple juice. I placed the three items next to theirs and than thanked Hinata and Ukai.
Leaving the store I trailed behind with Kageyama as Hinata slowly rolled along on his bike a few paces in front of us.
The silence was a bit calming, which made me feel more comfortable.
"Hey y/n, I'm sorry about Tsukishima earlier. That was rude of him." He said after swallowing his bite.
"Oh it's not your fault, you don't need to apologize." I have him a reassuring smile. "It didn't bother me one bit, believe it." I said sticking my thumb out.(if you get this reference you deserve a smooch.)
Kageyama nodded before we continued to walk.

-time skip-
As I reached my house, the dark night started to drop in. I thanked the two boys before opening the front gate to my yard.
"Oh y/n, we are having a movie night next friday if you want to come! Well that's if we win our practice match the day before!" Hinata giggled.
"Oh sounds awesome, I'll see if I can go! Thank you guys again for walking me back!" I smiled waving them goodbye.

A movie night, with boys? I've never felt nervous about a boy til now. I've grew up alongside them my whole life, why are my feelings suddenly
changing? Whatever, my mom is probably worried, I should just go inside. Those thoughts raced through my mind as I walked to the front door. I felt confused, but just shrugged it off as I entered the house.

The next few days went by fast, and before I knew it, it was Thursday. At the time I was in my first class, sitting in english. The class went by slow as usual since I already know most of it. When it did finally
come to an end I quickly rose to my feet and exited the door. I just wanted to get out of there, and away from Tsuki. I was still hurt from what he said, but I should probably be over it by now. ( why am i making tsuki a bad guy, i literally love him lmao.)

-time skip to post match against Aoba Johsai-

"Another day, another win!" My brother shouted as the Karasuno boys left the gym, slapping their hands.
I ran up to Shoyo giving him a high five. "That last point was amazing! Great work out there, you are really improving Hinata!" I smiled.
His eyes sparkled under the sun, "you really think so? Also did you see me run like that, I was like voosh than jumped like bop and hit it like kaboom!" he cheered. I laughed at his way of explaining things.
"Movie night tomorrow, don't forget! My place at seven! Just us first years will be there!" He smiled as he hurried after Suga, talking about his hit.
I felt happy to see all of them so happy, and my face lit more up when I saw Kageyama exit. His face was gleaming from the sweat and sunlight combo. The grey shirt he now had switched into was loose on him, covering his torso. He looked pleased with himself as he walked out. I let him be, seeing as if I didn't want to annoy him. Also i've only talked to him twice, I can't just act all buddy buddy with him, not like I can with Hinata.

-time skip-

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