The End

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"You're joking. Right?" I giggled.

"I'm not. I really do like you." He muttered.

"Kageyama are you just saying that so I really don't go out with Oikawa." I smiled. My face quickly turned blank as I saw he was completely serious.

"Never mind I guess." He mumbled, turning around.

I blinked a few times realizing what he had said. Was this a dream? No, you wouldn't even dream of something like this. This is reality. This is awesome. I thought.

"Kageyama, wait!" I said running up behind him. I used my hand to press against his shoulder and turn him towards myself. My lips pressed against his and we kissed. I finally did what I had been dying to do since last time.

He started off by kinda just sitting there but he eventually eased into the kiss. I could tell he was surprised but thankful. His cheeks flashed pink. We than pulled away.

"I... Uh, well... You know..." He stumbled over his words, completely flustered.

"Shut up you idiot. Come on, let's get back to class." I smiled, waving him a goodbye.

I did it. HECK YA I DID IT! WOOOOOO!! I kissed the boy I like, again. I thought, moving my hands up and down.

"Someone looks dumb! What's the celebratory dance for?" I heard a recognizable voice say. It was Tsukishima who was exiting the boys bathroom.

"Uhhh...Welll...I...Hmm. I got an 100 on my test?" I lied, scratching my head.

"Yeah, like you are smart enough to do that." He scoffed, crossing his arms. "You were out of class for a long time and we didn't even have a test!"

"Oh shut up you goody good!" I snapped at him also crossing my arms.

"Just get back to class or the teacher will yell at you." Tsuki scoffed.

"Aww, the bean pole wants to look after me. How sweet." I pouted sticking out my bottom lip.

"I can look over her just fine, I don't need your help." Kageyama suddenly said. His strong arm test across my shoulder and he had a devilish smile on his face.

"Just to let you know, she kissed me first." Tsuki smirked.

I could feel the tension growing between the two. Both of their blood was boiling and their eyebrows were furrowed.

"That's enough! Stop yelling in the halls. All three of you, office now!" A teacher yelled from the hall.

The three of us all bickered as we entered the office. We were individually lectured and send back to your classrooms. I only got in trouble for staying out of class for so long, while the other two got in trouble for "verbally fighting." As the teacher said.

"Both of you got detention? Over what? What could you guys possibly be bickering about?" Daichi yelled smacking both of the boys in the head.

They didn't speak and kept their faces from facing one another. Both of their arms were crossed .

"That's it, if you two don't figure this out and own up, you aren't playing in the next game, and I'll tell coach about it. You have until the end of practice to deboggle this." Daichi yelled before stomping off.

By the end of practice they admitted to Daichi what they were yelling about and then ended up getting scolded even more.

"I don't blame them though, I mean, Y/n isn't something we should share." Suga chuckled.

"Suga, do you want an ass kicking too? No? That's what I thought, sit down buddy boy." Daichi snapped walking away in disgrace.

"I can't believe you of all people were fighting over a girl, especially Y/n, and after you treated her like crap the past two weeks." Hinata said to Kageyama. His eyes were wide and full of shock.

"Hinata boke!" Kageyama yelled, pushing Hinata away from his face.

"That's the end, everyone get out of my sight and take a shower. You smell worse than the dumpsters! Tsukishima, Kageyama, I'm glad you worked it out, but no more of that or i'll take my cigarette and stick it on your forehead." Coach Ukai laughed, blowing smoke into the air.

The two nodded and exited the gym followed by the rest of the boys.

I sat by the exit gate from the back of the sport facilities changing from my cleats to my sneakers. I looked up to feel a soft kick on my shoe.

" you want me to walk you home." Kageyama mumbled.

"Speak up please." I smiled, lacing my shoe up.

"Ugh. You know, you are such a pain." He grumbled.

"Do you want me to come with you or not?" I said back.

"Yes! Please allow me to walk you home." Kageyama uttered.

"Gladly." I smiled. I picked up my bag and walked along side Kageyama the whole way home. I failed to notice that we had walked a little bit of a different route.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to stop by here." He said, pointing his hand to the big tree. It had small buds on it as it was approaching spring time.

"I don't mind at all!" I smiled. I was then dragged by kageyama under the tree and we sat down, peering into the blue water.

I felt nothing by comfort when we sat there. He had placed his jacked over me and his hand was intertwined with mine. My head lay on his shoulder as we looked at the water sway back and forth.

"You don't mind, right?" He said lifting my head towards his.

I gave him a nod of approval and we kissed. It was like de ja vu. I had been in this situation before and it was happening again, almost completely similar.

We kissed for a few minutes getting lost in each other's warm touch. His hands pressed against my cold, red cheeks and his thumb rubbed against my cheek bone.

"Thank you for liking me back, even though I treated you so poorly." He said, resting his forehead against mine.

"Of course. I thought of it like a game, and I enjoyed playing it." I smirked, pressing my lips against his.

I enjoyed being in kageyamas arms under the Sakura tree. The feeling I got when I was with him was enjoyment, security and butterflies. I would only later find out, that this would just be the beginning of these feelings.

A/N: THE END!!!! I hope you enjoyed this story. It wasn't my best of work and I'm sorry for all the misspelling, crammed text and pour choice of words. I want to use this to reflect on after I enhance my wiring abilities. I want to thank everyone who read this and was patient about it. I also want to thank my best friend who encouraged me to continue writing this story after I lost motivation. Again, thank you and I hope you enjoyed!!! :) <3

You can check her account at hiccup779102

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