Chapter 7: coming back

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We all went through the portal to come back to the long corridor full of glistening portals, and people walking through different portals freely.

"Alright, let's go to the top of the tree. That's where Lord Aredhel lives," said Sussana.

I could barely hear Sussana because of the crowd. Surprisingly no one was at the portals when we first got in, but now there were a lot of people mulling around.

About another 10 minutes went by till we got to the very top of the tree.

A huge door stood in front of us with vines overgrown on it. The flight of stairs we took to get to the top was marble with a green runner laid on it. At the top, there was a white chandelier made of Vingor (a very rich crystal that is clear and becomes a gold color near the bottom).

"We're here," muttered Susie.

"Why do we have to be quiet?" whispered Goldie.

"I was just about to ask the same question, darling," I murmured.

"Lord Aredhel has a pet blink fox, so if we're too loud he'll disappear," murmured Susie.

"I've always wanted one of those," I whispered.

Knock Knock Knock

The humongous door opened and a man in a white suit opened it.

"Hello... Whom do I owe this pleasure" The man looked at all of us.

Goldie went over to me and whispered, "I said the same thing when I first met you! That proves I can be fancy."

"Hello Apollo, I'm here to see Fredrick Aredhel," Susie answered.

"Wow, she calls Lord Aredhel by his first name," Goldie whispered in my ear again.

Apollo led us into a room. In the corner of my eye, I saw a blue fox sleeping in a dog bed next to a grand piano and a little girl.

"Wait here while I grab Fredrick." Apollo quickly left the room.

"Ooooouuuuu," Robin started looking around the room. "Look at this!" Robin started pointing her finger at a white statue.

"Robin, honey, don't touch that it's rude," I told her.

"Then look at this white rug with green leaves! OH look at the white curtains! Ouu and the gold chandelier, or this marble flooring!"

"Robin shut up. Even I can be fancier than you and I don't have royal blood in me," Goldie stammered.

"Sheesh ok..." Robin quickly stopped and sat down on a couch near the entrance.

"Hello, Susie! How was the first portal?" Aredhel came out of one of the tall white doors holding his blink fox.

"It went well, we just wanted a place to stay for the night since it took a while-" Susie looked at her clock, " Wow it's already 9:00 PM! Anyway, we want to have a place to stay for the night so tomorrow morning we can get ready for the next portal," Susie said.

"Of course you can stay the night. You're already doing a huge favor of looking for my wife. Actually, my daughter wanted to say thank you." Answered Aredhel.


"Yes, Father.."

A little girl walked inside the room we were all in. She had brunette hair like her father and green eyes. She wore a white lace dress with stockings up to her knees and leather mary jane shoes.

"Hello!" she said in a squeaky voice.

"I'm Penelope, and I want to say thank you for looking for my mommy!" Penelope had a big grin on her face.

"Aww, you're welcome dear," I smiled at Penelope.

"Well it's 9:30 you should get some rest. Apollo please lead them to one of the guest rooms." Aredlhel looked at his pocket watch and pointed one finger at Apollo.

"Yes sir."

Apollo led us to a room with a tall, slim white door. He opened the door and we saw 5 beds each on the right hand side of the room, there was a big balcony with plants laid outside. The view was splendid, you could see multiple realms, including our realm, where you could see my kingdom and my beautiful castle. Inside the room was a big white rug, and each bed had an identical blanket laid over it. Another white chandelier made of the same crystal was on the roof, and 2 couches and a fireplace was near the balcony.

"Is this alright?" Apollo asked.

"Wow of course this is!" Both Robin and Goldie stammered.

"Well good night Apollo," Susie started closing the door on Apollo.

"Alright guys tomorrow we are going to the water realm. Goldie and Red will be most effective on this one because Goldie will give us air bubbles to breath, and Red will attack the water elemental." Susie said.

"All right, let's get to bed. It's late," Robin said.

"You're right, my dear. Goodnight," I answered Robin.

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