Chapter 3: The Elements

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 We were all shivering outside the bar while Robin played around with her fire.

"Doesn't it hurt?" asked Goldie, astounded with Robin's new powers.

"Nope," Robin transferred the fire onto her other hand, "Not at all. It's weird, I know."

"Hmph," I said snobbishly, " So you decided to gather us, of all the people you know (not that many), in a stinky, disgusting, cavern to show off your magical power" I whiffed, and turned away from the flame, but as I turned away from the fire I automatically started shivering.

"That's not all," said Robin. "I had a feeling, or an instinct I suppose, from my powers?" She ended the sentence with a question and started shaking her head and continued. "I felt like the three of you guys were the appropriate people to share this with." She looked around at us. "Has anything magical happened to the three of you guys too?"

"Well," Bella looked her straight in the eyes, stifling a laugh, "I used magic recently, but that's cause I'm a fairy, remember?"

"But I mean like, unusual magic? Something you haven't done before?"

"Oh, then nope."

Out of the blue, a loud crash came from inside the bar. I heard screaming and as we turned towards the cavern, we saw people running out.

"Blood! Swords! Inside my bar!" the bartender screamed. She ran out the front door with her hands up. And then glistening flames spat out of one of the windows in the front of the cavern.

"Oh, no," said Goldie, pulling out her sword.

"No," Robin put her hand on my sword and pushed it back in its sheath for the second time this evening. "Allow me."

Robin assertively walked toward the fire and put out her hands, Most likely to use her power to stop the flames from spreading.

Goldie and Bella watched Robin focusing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to see if it would help. As both girls stared at Robin they noticed the fire was slowly retreating.

"We need water," muttered Bella, "We need water!" she screamed this time.

Suddenly, within seconds it started to rain. Everyone was drenched. Goldie looked back at Bella and me, but while Bella was drenched, I wasn't wet at all. I was staring at Robin with a stone-cold face, completely frozen.

It was as if I wasn't affected at all by the rain.

"Ruby!" screamed Goldie. Just as that happened the rain suddenly stopped. And I was back to normal.

"Oh my goodness! Did it rain? Why are you guys so wet?" I wondered aloud. "Also, why am I perfectly perfect!"

"I think," Bella said slowly, "That Ruby has water powers..."

I looked down at myself in disbelief. "Really?! How do I control it? Did I make it rain? I can't remember that at all. Is that why I'm not wet?" I asked rapidly.

Goldie looked back at Robin, the flames were gone and Robin was standing there with her hands still up, and her hair drenched.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at Goldie. "Who made it rain? Do we have powers? If so I'm Fire and whoever--"

Goldie cut her off and answered her first question. "Red. she made it rain. So if we do have elemental powers, then who am I, and how about Bella? There's still Air and Earth and Storm or Lightning if that's possible. All of us shivered except for me in the cold, wet, night.

"I wish we were dry," Bella said uneasily, "It's freezing!".

"Me too," said Robin raising her shivering hand.

"Me three," Goldie agreed, rubbing her arms with her equally cold hands. Out of the blue, a warm blast of wind blew from nowhere and everyone dried up.

"Ah, my hair!" I screamed.

"Ok, either I'm Air, or that was a funny coincidence," said Goldie.

"I don't think that was a coincidence," said Bella darkly, "Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, has a deeper meaning..."

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