Chapter 4: Nonsense

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"So you're telling me that everyone has powers except me!!" Bella said angrily.

"Bella, honey, last I checked, you were a fairy," I said patiently.

"But I can't control any elements like you guys can. I-I-I hate this!!!!" screamed Bella.

"Oh dear, huge storm clouds are forming," said Robin.

"Not only that but there's lightning," nodded Goldie.


"AHHHHHHHH!! Lightning! I can't get my perfect gown ruined!" I started crying. "I just fixed my mascara!"

I stood up and walked over to Bella and said, "You better get your act together missy. Last I remember, I was the one that was supposed to be mad and crying!"

"Wait, are you saying I made that lightning?" said Bella. With a huge grin on her face.

"Yesss, dear, that's exactly what I'm saying."

All of a sudden the lightning slowly ended, and Bella calmed down.

"Yikes, I feel like I need another beer now!" said Goldie drunkenly.

"Well, I'm going home to see Fluff, my pet wolf. Bella, are you coming?" I looked at Bella. Red was standing next to a carriage with her pet fluff inside.

"Yeah, I kinda need a nice hot bath right about now," said Bella.

10:00 PM, at Red's place.

"Goodnight Bella," I said calmly.

"Goodnight Red!!!" Bella answered

Yikes, that was loud, I thought.

Ring Ring Ring!

"Servant number 106, can you get that call for me?" I asked.

"It's an emergency from a girl named Robin," said the servant.

I quickly snatched the phone from my servant to answer Robin.

"What's wrong Robin?" I said impatiently. "Are you ok? I got the message! What happened?" I was about to explode.

"There's a man outside my house," Robin whispered.

"A man?" I asked.

"Yeah... wait he's coming closer"

"What does he look like?"

"I can't see very well because my window is foggy but he's in a white cape and he's very tall..."

"I'm coming over."

I hung up, woke up Bella, and got one of my servants to drive us to Robin's place.

"So there's a man at Robin's place?" Bella questioned.

"Yes. I already called Goldie. She's coming over and I told Robin I'd be right there."

Red and Bella got to Robin's cabin just in time to see the man still standing there.

"Hello!" Bella said. "What are you doing at my cousin's cabin?"

The man took off his cloak and we saw Lord Aredhel standing there.

"Hi, I'm here because there's something wrong with my tree... I saw you and the girl inside do some magic at the bar so I thought I'd ask you guys for some help."

Bella whispered into Red's ear, "He looks a lot scarier up close".

Then Goldie came running from behind the trees with sticks in her hair.

"Am I late?" she gasped as she saw Lord Aredhel in front of her.

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