Chapter 15 - Teddy Bear Part 2

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Y/n pov
I ran as fast as I possibly could to dads office, every time I thinks of him as my father I want to throw up. When I reached his office I slammed the door open and walked in only to see him making out with his slut.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? DON'T YOU THINK YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE ENOUGH!! GIVE ME BACK THE BEAR YOU WICKED OLD MAN!!" I was burning with anger, I took notice to how his aura darkened after hearing me yell at him but I don't care. The only thing on my mind was getting my back the bear.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TALK TO ME IN THAT MANNER? NO YOU WON'T GET THAT STUPID BEAR BACK YOU USELESS BITCH." The boys entered the room as he finished. They probably expect me to just walk away but not this time.



"FATHER MY ASS, YOU REALLY ARE SOMETHING. YOU RUINED MY LIFE AND YOUR ONLY AIM IS TO MAKE ME MISERABLE. THAT'S NOT WHAT A FATHER DOES! WHEN HAVE YOU EVER SHOWED EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CARE FOR ME? NOT ONLY ME WHAT ABOUT THEM? *points to bts* you ruined them they have no emotions they don't care for anyone except each other and I know that's your fault. The only thing you've ever done is ruin others life have you ever stopped for just one second and thought about others feelings? No you haven't, you mock people if they don't have as much money as you and you taught your sons to do the same. Money can buy you a position not respect, a house but not a home, a friend but not family, a clock but not time. You can have all the money in the world but you will still be the poorest person alive because you have no respect for anyone, no love for anyone. You may think people love you but they don't they love your money, your alone dad."

"Oh and someone loves you?" Susan piped up.

"Your right maybe I am alone but the difference between all of you and me is in the future I will find people who will trust me because I don't care about money, you won't because you are willing to do anything for money which makes you untrustworthy. There is no love without trust like there is no river without water. The only thing money does for a person is remove their mask, give someone money and they'll show their true colours."

"I've had enough of you and your attitude bitch." He pulled out the bear from the drawer in his desk and then picked up a knife.

I felt as though I was watching in slow motion, he held the bear up, took the knife to it's neck and then sliced. The head fell to the floor, I watched as the head bounced before stopping the eyes of the bear looking into my eyes as though it was asking for help. Soon it's body was also thrown beside the head.

"If you piss me off again then it'll be you next." Dad said with a sinister smile before walking towards the door.

Before he could leave the room I walked up to his desk and shoved all the paper work from his desk on to the floor and started ripping it to pieces.

A/n pov
After seeing the only thing she had left of her beloved uncle be ruined Y/n was furious. This was a whole new Y/n now she was lost and burning in anger. Before she would of just put up with it then cried when she was alone but not now, the only thing on her mind was revenge.

That's when she saw the lighter sitting on the corner of the desk. She grabbed it and was about to set fire to the paper work when she felt a terrible pain in her leg. She looked down and saw blood pouring out of a horrendous cut. She looked up to see him staring at her with the eyes of a predator holding the knife in his left hand.

"I warned you." Her father said but before he could make another cut on her neck she was pulled away from him and lifted into someone's warm embrace.

She looked up and was met with eyes she didn't expect to see, eyes full of worry.

Y/n pov
I saw Jungkooks eyes.

"Dad enough, calm down." Namjoon said taking away the knife. Jungkook carried me out of the room as Seokjin and Yoongi followed.

They walked to what looked like a hospital room and laid me down on the bed. Jin and Yoongi put on blue gloves and started to grab medical equipment.

"Stay still ok?" Yoongi said softly to which I nodded my head. This is the first time they have ever treated me like this, they were treating me like I was a human or maybe even their sister.

I watched the concentration on Jin's face as he delicately stitched up the cut on my leg, Yoongi standing and watching in case he needs help. I didn't even notice I was holding Jungkooks hand until he whined because of how hard a squeezed it due to pain. They hadn't used anything to numb the area because they had ran out of the numbing stuff.
( A/n: Idk what it's called)

"That's it done I'm just going to dress it then you'll be ok." Jin said in an unusual sweet voice.

"Ok t-thanks." I said to which they just gave me a small smile.

After he finished putting a bandage on the wound he took off his glove and looked at me.

"Don't get it wet and in about 2-4 weeks I'll take the stiches out. You should go relax in your room for now I'll send Mrs Choi up with some food."

"B-but what about Eric, my bear, do you think someone can fix him?" I asked tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of Eric being decapitated.
(A/n: I'm a horrible person I kinda laughed whilst writing that 😂)

Yoongi sighed loudly before saying "I'll ask Mrs Choi if she can try and fix it but I don't know if she'll be able to, sorry."

"It's ok it isn't your fault. Thanks for saving me and looking after me." I smiled sweetly.

Jungkook picked me up and carried me to my room as my leg was still sore to walk on. Mrs Choi brought up my dinner and promised me she'll try her best to fix Eric.

The rest of my brothers came in for a couple of minutes to make sure I was ok before they went to bed. I really hope that this is the start of healing our broken relationship. Right now the only thing I want is to have a good relationship with my brothers, I always have but after seeing their loving and caring side my wish for a good relationship with them became even greater.

Happy late Hobi day!!!! Sorry I didn't update on the weekend I was unmotivated to write but don't worry I was still productive. I know I'm shocked to!

Anyway I decided to start doing a question of the chapter. Every chapter I'll ask a random question and if you want you can comment your answer. I thought it would be a good idea to get to know each other better.

Question of the chapter - Do you have any sibling if so how many? I have one little sister.

Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes!! 💜💜

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