Chapter 22 - Revenge

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Y/n pov

I woke up to a loud bang from downstairs, wtf are we getting robbed or something? I quickly jump out of bed and fix my hair in case there is a burglar downstairs because you never know he might be hot.

I run downstairs expecting to see a hot criminal but instead I meet those three weirdos screaming at each other whilst playing some video game.

Seriously who the hell screams at a video game at 9 in the morning. That's when I got the bright idea of unplugging their console. I know I'm a genius.

I quickly sneak into the living room and crawl over to the plug socket where it's plugged in. Lucky for me they're to concentrated on the game to notice.

I pull the plug and sprint into the kitchen,  from my hiding spot behind the wall, I hear a loud gasp followed by a couple seconds of silence before...

"Hyung wtf why did you do that what's your problem old man do you not understand what this is??" Jungkook yells at Yoongi.

"What do you mean you little shit I didn't do anything also call me old one more time and I'll shove that game controller down your throat."Yoongi says whilst sending him a deadly glare.

"Come hyung, you're the only other person in the living room who else could have possibly turned it off?"Taehyung whines.

"I don't know do I look like a detective go figure it out yourself although I doubt you and those two brain cells you all share will be able to." Yoongi says whilst going to his room.

"Haha these idiots, thanks yoongi that was perfect timing." I whisper to myself.

I then start to make pancakes for my breakfast since they are literally the only thing I can cook.

Your outfit btw ~

Whilst eating my breakfast I come up with a few plans to get revenge on my ever so lovely brothers

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Whilst eating my breakfast I come up with a few plans to get revenge on my ever so lovely brothers. I need to think of seven separate plans because they're all so different this way I can ensure to cause a lot of trouble.

I won't physically harm them or do anything which will leave them extremely upset, I'm not a horrible person, but I do need to leave a mark on them.

I quickly make my way up to my room to start plotting my revenge. It took about an hour to come up with all the plans. Here they are.

Seokjin ~  He enjoys cooking so I'll ruin some of his cooking books and utensils.

Yoongi ~ I know he likes to write and produce music so I'll delete some of the songs on his computer.

Hoseok ~ He loves dance so I'll mess up his dance studio.

Namjoon ~ He loves to read so I'll ruin some of his books.

Jimin ~ He loves fashion so I'll ruin some of his favourite clothes.

Taehyung ~ He loves photography so I'll delete some of his best photos.

Jungkook ~ He loves making animations and films so I'll delete some of those.

They're out just now so I quickly start with my plan going in age order. I make my way to the kitchen and quickly find Jins cooking books, I tare out some of the pages and put them in water. I then grab a handful of utensils and snap them in half leaving then on the floor along with the now ruined pages of the cooking books.

Then I make my way to Yoongi's home studio, luckily I know the password as I saw him putting it in once. I make my way to his computer and enter genius kim yoongi as the password and guess what I got the right password. I'm so smart. I then quickly delete his three recent songs before closing the computer and heading to Hoseok's dance studio.

I brought some paint and permanent markers with me, I immediately start drawing on the mirrors and walls. I then cover the floor in dish soap to make it slippery. I take a step back and admire my work before sneaking into Namjoon's library.

I take about twelve books and start drawing on the pages as well as ripping some out. I leave the mess all over the floor then go to Jimin's room.

I quickly find his massive wardrobe which is full of beautiful clothes, I hate to admit but the man's got good taste. I grab about twelve items of clothing and take some scissors cutting them up and putting small holes into them. I then grab the glitter because who doesn't love glitter? I cover the items in pink and silver glitter then head to Taehyung's room to find his laptop and camera.

I find them in his bedside drawer so I quickly take them and to my luck his laptop doesn't have a password I delete about ten pictures then put the stuff back.

Lastly I head to Jungkook’s room and find his laptop I once again guess his password but it takes me a few attempts to get it right, once in I delete three of his animations then quickly shut his laptop and head back to my room.

A small smile makes its way onto my face as I lay in bed cuddling Eric, I wonder what they'll think of my surprise. I slowly fall asleep without realising.

I wake up to shouting from downstairs, it takes me a minute to register what it's about. They must've found their surprise, I think laughing evilly.

That's when I hear heavy footsteps coming towards my room, I quickly pretend to be asleep, I'm an excellent fake sleeper.

My door is slams open then my covers are ripped off me causing me to shiver at the loss of warmth.

"" Seokjin says in a dangerously low tone whilst glaring at me.

"Sleep."I say.

"Don't fucking try playing stupid!!" Jungkook says whilst balling up his fists.

"Oh did you guys find your surprise?? I put a lot of effort into them I hope you like them." I say with a sarcastic smile on my face.


"You guys are the ones who ruined our relationship in the first place." I replied calmly.

"Come on Y/n we've already apologised for what we have done can you please stop being stubborn?" Hoseok says.

"I'm not being stubborn, I just don't want to be hurt again. I still don't trust you guys you all can't even admit that you were in the wrong." I say.

"There was no need for the stupid pranks or whatever you want to call them." Yoongi says.

"That was all our favourite things that we worked hard on and you ruined it. " Taehyung says.

"Please you hurt me way worse than that stop acting like I'm the villain here." I say scoffing.

"Uh whatever come on guys let's leave it she obviously isn't ready to apologise." Namjoon says whilst leaving the room.

Oh no he didn't these freaks really expect me to apologise to them?? Omg they're more stupid than I thought they were. Oh well I guess I'm awake now, I grab my phone and start watching Netflix before finally going to sleep.

Quesrion of the chapter - What's your favourite animal? Mine is penguins and dogs, they're both so cute!!!

I wanted to update sooner but I didn't know what to write for this chapter so yeah.

Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes!! 💜💜

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