Chapter 35 - Act Normal

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Y/n pov
The most difficult thing to do in this situation is to act normal. How can you act normal when the life of yourself and family may be at risk.

It's safe to say waking up for school has never been so difficult. My brain was busy battling off the negative thoughts most of the night, the great battle ending in complete exhaustion when the sound of my alarm sounded through the room the next morning.

In an effort to make myself feel a little less miserable, I chose an outfit that makes me feel like the baddest bitch around.

Your outfit~

By the time break time rolls around I'm already suffering from a headache and a lack of a will to live

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By the time break time rolls around I'm already suffering from a headache and a lack of a will to live. But still I try to act like my normal cheery self so my friends don't suspect anything is wrong.

"So what did you get up to over the weekend?" Jung asks everyone.

A wide variety of replies are given mostly to do with spending time with family.

"What about you Y/n? You must have been busy considering you didn't answer any messages in the group chat." Yeonjun says.

"Yeah me and my brothers went to visit some family over the weekend and they had some stupid no phones allowed rule." I say, the lie effortlessly rolling off of my tongue.

"Oh that's nice." Aerum replies before they all start discussing a different topic.

"Hey are you okay? You look tired." Ni-ki inquires as we make our way to math.

"Yeah I'm fine we got back from visiting family late last night so I didn't get much sleep." I respond.

Finally the glorious sound of the final school bell graces my ears as I immediately make my way out of the building at a fast pace.

As I reach my brother's cars I realise that I'm the first one there, which is a rare event. It seems to surprise my brothers as much as it did me. Each one gives me a strange look as they reach the cars.

"You're early today." Jungkook comments.

"I know I was just really over school, I practically sprinted out of the building." I say.

"Damn you ran, that's something I never thought would happen." Taehyung jokes.

"Well I hope you're not too tired from all that running because we're going to the movies and then out for dinner." Namjoon tells me.

"What why?" I ask, confused as we normally don't go out on a school night.

"Less time spent in the house the better, especially with the whole situation going on right now." Hobi explains.

We all pile into designated cars and shortly after arrive at the cinema. We send Jin and Yoongi up to the cashier to buy 8 tickets for the new spider-man movie whilst the rest of us head to the shop next door to buy snacks because ain't no way we're paying for the cinemas overpriced food.

After buying a bucket load of snacks we all meet back up and head to the screen where our movie will be shown.

*Time skip - after the movie*

We are all quick to order our meals, starving, even though we've just inhaled a load of snacks.

Thankfully the food is quickly served and the lion pack is quick to dig in, virtually tearing the food apart and swallowing large gulps with little time for chewing.

After temporarily filling our never-ending stomachs we pay the bill and head home.

Before I get the chance to step out of the car Namjoon grabs my wrist. "Meet in my room at half eight, we've got some information to share." He says before releasing my wrist and exiting the car himself.

Information? Have they possibly found the mole? God I hope so, we'd be one step closer to putting an end to this. The faster this situation is over the better.

Life is truly like a rollercoaster, it has its ups and its downs. The difference is the speed of these roller coasters. Some of us live on fast ones with not too many steep climbs. Bad situations pass by at a fast pace. Others have many steep hills, it seems to take forever before they descend into a better situation, which in turn doesn't last long because there is always another steep hill to be climbed. And the lucky ones are left with a perfect mix of the two, they are able to learn from the bad but also have a substantial amount of time to enjoy the good.

That's the only way I can explain my life, a steep roller coaster.

I'm the last one to arrive at Namjoons room, at least some things are going back to normal, we once again make our way down the misleading staircase before arriving at the elegant room.

"So have you got any information?" The words are quick to fly from my mouth.

"Well we have a few suspects so far but nothing has been confirmed yet." Jimin replies

"Who are the suspects?" I ask, desperate to know.

"Pretty much all the staff who are close to us head of security, our security, butler, chef and Mrs Choi." Namjoons answer sent my brain into panic mode.

There is no way it is any of these people. It can't be. I know them all so well surely they wouldn't want me to get hurt.

"It can't be any of them. I'm sure they wouldn't stab us in the back." I voice my thoughts.

"Well who else could it be? Nobody else knows the passwords to the security systems or where they're situated." Jin's says.

"But all of the staff members stay at the house, if they were up to something surely us or another staff member would have caught on by now." I speak more to myself than anyone else.

Who else would know this information? Who would want to see me suffering? Ugh the boys wouldn't tell anyone this information because they know how dangerous it could be.

Hang on a minute there is one other person who knows all of the passwords who could've told someone. Perhaps a girlfriend. The thought slaps me right across the face. Susan.

"Susan! Susan must be the mole. Mr Kim has probably told her all the passwords to the security systems. Plus she was in the house just before I was given that task for a movie day with her friends!" I speak at the speed of light putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Omg she's probably right, it makes sense plus Susan and Dad didn't start dating until just after Dad found he was taking custody of you." Yoongi stands up slowly, almost muttering his last words, a look of shock on his face.

"You know I always hated that bitch." Jungkook quickly adds his input.

"That's a mutual feeling." Taehyung says causing us all to let out a little laugh, slightly easing the tension which is currently suffocating the room.

"Well guys I guess it's time to question the mole." Hobi brings the attention back to the current issue.

Jin rapidly unlocks his phone and makes a phone call.

"Bring me Park Susan. As quickly as possible."

Question of the chapter - what is your favourite movie snack? Mine is definitely a tango iced blast and some sort of chocolate.

Sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading! 💜💜

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