Chapter 37 - Captured

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Y/n pov
It's with great difficulty that I peel my heavy eyes open, expecting to be met with some sort of blinding light but no. Instead I'm lying in a sea of darkness.

As my eyes adjust slightly to the dark I am able to make out shapes as though I have risen to the surface of the black sea that engulfs me.

Strangely, I can hear the sound of a clock ticking in the corner. In this type of situation one may expect to hear screams, pleads or the dreaded capturers voice. But instead the sound of a clock is bulldozing the silence somehow making me feel more anxious than I would be if it was screams I could hear.

Slowly my brain begins to power back up and I'm able to analyse the situation.

His hand is pressed tightly against my mouth preventing my lips from moving at all. His dry cracked hands almost symbolising his lifestyle, he's doing the dirty work for higher ups. Keeping their hands clean and soft, no one would expect some well organised gang to attempt to kidnap a child who has nothing to do with them.

They know this. The people dictating this whole thing know that if anyone is going to get charged for a kidnapping it will be the men they send to carry out the attacks. They are nothing but a bunch of wimps hiding behind everyone else.

I begin to violently kick my legs in hopes of getting away from him, my hands making their way to his attempting to rip his hand from my face giving me the chance to not only scream but also allow some air to reach my lungs.

"Kid, I suggest you stop squirming so much." He says as though this bores him. There is no emotion on his face sadness, amusement, anger, fear not a single one and that terrifies me. In this circumstance you'd expect to be able to detect some sort of emotion whether that be enjoyment or frustration, he is blank, which leaves me to assume that he has done this many times before. It has drained him of emotion, like an imaginary plug inside of him has been pulled.

The man drags me along as though I'm worth no more than trash. I continue my bid for freedom digging my feet into the ground in an attempt to stop him from dragging me along but my efforts achieve me nothing except for sore feet.

Finally we stop, however we are now outside of the house in front of a black SUV. Before I have the chance to take anything else in I feel myself being captured by darkness as the man's hand is replaced with a white cloth.
End of flashback

That's the final thing I remember before waking up here. My attempt to haul myself off the floor turns out unsuccessful as I realise that my feet are chained to the wall, heavy metal cuffs cling to my ankles preventing mobility.

Well there goes any chances of trying to find an escape. Now that my eyes have adjusted better to the dark I get the chance to inspect the room the walls which appear to have once been an off white colour are now covered in splatters of dirt and concerning black mould, there is not a single source of light not even a small window for the sun to peek through.

The ground is damp and grimy, the room contains not a single piece of furniture, the only thing in the room are me and the out of place clock.

Somehow the room perfectly represents how I feel miserable, dull, alone and forgotten.

I wonder what my brothers are doing just now they're probably finished torturing Susan. Have they realised I'm gone yet? Will they search for me?

Don't be stupid Y/n of course they will they're your brothers. My inner argument is quickly ended by the sound of the door slamming open. The artificial light seeping in through the door makes me turn away, after sitting in darkness for so long my eyes have become unfamiliar with the light.

"Hello little Y/n, boss wanted me to let you know he'll be down soon but has asked me to entertain you whilst we wait." A buff man says whilst wearing a black mask so that I can only see the top half of his face.

"Don't worry about that, I am capable of keeping myself entertained." I answer, acting brave despite the fact that my heart feels as though it's going to jump right out of me.

"Come on now don't be stubborn, I've already brought down some games for us. Why don't we start with a bit of baseball?" He says whilst pulling a baseball bat out from behind him.

"No, I'm not really a baseball fan." I speak whilst acting unfazed.

"Ah you're right we should start with something more simple, how about a bit of boxing, you can be the punching bag." The gorilla speaks.

"Eh no let's not do that either" I mutter feeling nervous for what is about to happen.

"Aww it's too bad you don't get a say in this." He states before punching me in the face causing my head to whip to the other side as a throbbing pain consumes the left side of my face and a slight ring develops in my ears.

He raises his hand back before slamming it down on my face once again, this time letting go of my shirt which he had previously held onto resulting in me landing on the cold rough ground.

Pain erupts like a volcano in my stomach and pelvis area as his foot, which feels more like a rock repeatedly kicks me. My arms automatically fly to my stomach as I protect my ribs.

He stops for only a second but I utilise that time and try to ease the pain in my stomach by applying pressure with my hands.

The boxer returns but this time he has a weapon I guess we're done with his boxing game.

"Time for some baseball." And with that the bat comes flying down onto my blue and purple canvas of a body. He uses the bat like a violent paintbrush decorating my body with a mixture of colours green, purple, blue, red.

He continues until there is no space left to paint on.

The only thing I can feel is pain. Everywhere. Every single part of me hurts making it difficult to distinguish where the most serious injuries are.

"I'm glad to see you kept her entertained, I'm sure you'll get more chances in the future to spend time with her." An unknown voice says from the door. I don't have the strength to look up to the owner of the voice.

"For now though allow me to speak with my guest, I've been waiting a long time to see her here." The voice dripping with amusement.

"Yes boss." The man who just beat the shit out of me and made me feel so weak is now bowing his head and following orders.

"Hello Y/n." I look up and come face to face with my capturer.

Question of the chapter - What do you prefer the sun or the moon? I personally prefer the moon.

Hello, sorry for any mistakes and thanks for reading!! 💜💜

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