Class fun ~ chapter 8

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We have just finished with Hufflepuff and we have a break before our next two classes. Bella hardly gives the door time to shut before she pushes me again the wall. "Whatever are you doing Bellatrix?" I ask nearly breathlessly. "It's been so hard not to kiss you. You look so amazing in that outfit and your intelligence is sexy." She says biting her lip. "Well we're alone now." I say winking at her. She leans closer, closing the space between our lips. We kiss passionately but soon she pulls away so we can breathe. "God you're lips are an addiction." She says breathing heavily. I lean in to her ear and whisper "which ones?" She flushes red and grabs my throat gently. "Careful love we wouldn't want the children to walk in on something rather scarring." She says with mock concern in her voice. "Then we better get out of this position, because I can hear the thoughts of a certain Gryffindor that we met this morning getting closer." She Pecks me on the lips gently and slowly one last time. Then reluctantly let's go of my throat and she struts away. I go to the door and greet Hermione.

"Hello Hermione. Lovely to see you again." I greet with an excited tone. "Hello Mrs-" I cut her off. "Please call me Y/n." I offer. "Oh ok. Hello Y/n. What shall I call her?" She asks motioning to Bellatrix. "Bella dear what shall Ms.Granger call you?" I ask turning my head to look at her. She looks up from what she's doing with one of her beautiful brown curls falling into her eyesight. "Whatever you wish to tell her will be fine with me baby." She says smiling. "You can call her Bella. Where as I...." I say walking over to her. "...Will call her beautiful." I say wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and leaning around to kiss her on the cheek.

"I hope I'm loved like that someday." she says to Bellatrix. "Good luck little one. She's one of a kind." Bella says looking into my eyes. I tighten my grip on her and lay my head on her shoulder. "Well your class should be arriving soon. Take a seat anywhere you would like. We have all kinds of chairs and ways to sit, or you can stand." I say to hermione gesturing around the room. "Okay." She responds. "I love you Bellatrix." I whisper in her ear. "You aren't scared she'll hear you calling me that?" She whispers back. "I would kill her if she dared speak it because, if you were to be taken from me the earth would split open, and hell would seep from the crack at my command." I whisper in her ear and she smirks. "I love you more." She replies. "I love you the most." I argue before going back to the door to greet the Gryffindors on their way. So she can't argue.

Once every student is in their seats now. Including Potter. I see Bellatrix giving him an intimidating look and I decide I need to distract the students so I may talk to her. "Right well class I'm Y/n Y/l/n but you can call me Y/n. This is My assistant" I say gesturing to Bella. "Hi my name is Bella Rose and you can call me Ms.Rose." She announces. "Now that we've introduced ourselves, we would like to start off by testing your potions ability so far. The ingredients you'll need are on the bored we're making a simple Night Vision potion. You will make your potion and when you're done Ms.Rose and I will come around and check your work. We look forward to see your work. The ingredients are in the ingredient cabinet and the tools you may need are over there on the supply shelf." I say gesturing to each area. "With that you may fetch them." I announce and the students behind chatting and moving around getting their needed resources.

I move to Bellatrix's side and pull her to the wall farthest from the students. Making it look casual. "Bella you're going to blow it. Keep it civil with the boy. I have to get close to him and gain his trust for the mission." I explain. She nods. "I'll attempt to be less aggressive." She says genuinely. "Ok thank you luv." I say and we turn and walk back towards the front. "Ok you may begin your potions." I command and they all begin measuring, pouring, cutting, and crushing. I play their playlist and Bella and I watch the chaos with amusement.

As the students finish Bellatrix and I walk around and inspect them all. We communicate our favorites through legilimens. The two best with some surprising on one, are Hermione Granger and George Weasley. "Well done George." I state peaking over his shoulder. "Thank you Y/n." He says awkwardly. I walk to Hermione and pat her on the back. "Amazing work Hermione. Your potion is nearly perfect." I congratulate inspecting it. "As for the rest of you while they may not have been the best, some were exceptional." I say to everyone else. "Now we should go around the room tel us your name, your age, and your favorite music artist." I suggest.

We went around the room and we got to Hermione she said "my name is Hermione. I'm 16. My favorite artist is Girl in red." She says the last one making eye contact with Bella and I. We bust out laughing and so does Ginny Weasley. Everyone looks at us like we're crazy and we move on. Later on we get to Harry. "Hi I'm Harry. I'm 15 and I don't really listen to music." Ok I changed my mind I hate this kid. Music is a huge part of my life. Before Bella it was my escape from life. Anyway we get to Ginny Weasley. "Hi I'm Ginny. I'm 14. My favorite artist is the Neighbourhood." Omg great choice.

When the Circle gets to the twins Fred goes first. "I'm Fred. I'm 17. My favorites are all over the place really." That's honestly pretty relatable. Next George. "I'm George. I'm 17 also. My favorite artist is Bon Jovi." I read Bella's mind and she's thinking the lyrics 'shot through the heart and you're to blame' she looks at me and I finish the lyrics in my head. 'Darlin you give love a bad name' she smiles and laughs internally. Finally the class is over and they leave, slowly trickling out of the classroom. Ginny and Hermione are the only ones left talking about music and laughing. "Ms.Weasley." I address grasping her attention. "Excellent music taste. You and Hermione both." Realization flickers in her eyes. She thinks 'of course they're gay that's why they laughed at Hermione's answer and have plants everywhere.' At the end of her thought I raise my eyebrow and smirk at her. "Congratulations you and Hermione are the only ones to have cracked the code." I announce gleefully. "Wait how did you?" She asks super confused. "I have my ways. Maybe it's gay mind reading." I say sarcastically. She chuckles and rolls her eyes walking off with Hermione. Now we have to deal with the slytherin class. It's a good thing I once was one so I can think like one. They can't bully me like any other teacher. I can always threaten to kill them I suppose. At this thought Bella smiles. "That's my Kinda girl." She says wrapping her arms around me.

A/n: I'm so Happy this story is on its way to 2k reads. I'm surprised anyone reads my stuff it's really shitty. Anyway please vote and follow if you haven't already. It'll help me to know if you guys actually like this or not.

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