Christmas Day part 2 ~ chapter 29

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Our jaws are practically on the floor as we are met by a smiling face. We each get a hug and we all give a greeting.

"Blaise. It's so nice to see you again." Narcissa greets cheerfully. "Zabini!" I say excitedly. "Hello professor. What are you doing here?" He asks. I look at Narcissa. "How much do you love Draco?" Narcissa asks countering his question. "More than anyone else in this world." He states looking back into Draco's Eyes. This display reminds me of Bellatrix and I. "Ok well then I suppose you are ready for his crazy family." I say, tapping Bellatrix on her head with my wand and revealing her to him.

"Holy shit! You're Bellatrix? It's been you this whole time?" He asks amazed. She chuckles. "Yes it's her. The infamous Bellatrix Black. As good at murder as she is in bed." I announce in a playful tone. "Ew. Did not need to know that." Draco complained. "Wait you're with her? Like-" Blaise makes the wrist flicking motion. She chuckles quite loudly, slowly snaking her arm around my waist and pulling me into her roughly. "Yes I am. She's mine." She states as a matter of fact. "And she is mine." I state kissing her lightly on the cheek. She hums contently and lays her head on my shoulder.

"How long have you two been dating?" Narcissa asks the boys. "Two months." Blaise answers smiling. "Aw that's adorable." I comment. "How long have you and Auntie Bella been dating?" Draco inquires looking at me. "It was our 5 months on the 17th." I say smiling. "Oh Merlin the 4 of you are so cute." Cissa mentions with a big smile.

"Are you guys ready to go open presents?" Draco asks the four of us. We all nod and head back to the sitting room.

"Beauty before age." Draco announces smugly as we sit down. "In that case I'm going first." Blaise calls out. We all roll our eyes and laugh. "I think Bellatrix should be Santa." I propose to everyone. "What why me?" She asks alarmed. I grab her chin and turn her to look into my eyes gently. "Because you'd make as sexy Santa." I say maintaining eye contact. I lean to her ear. "And if you do it I'll give you a very nice present tonight." I whisper. "Ho-Ho-Ho!" She exclaims as she shoots off the couch all flustered.

Everyone else looks confused, yet the way they all watch her amused tells me they got the gist of what I said. I giggle and smirk at her. She sends me a scowl and I make a kissy face at her sarcastically. "You know you love me." I state smugly. "Do I love you though?" She asks mockingly. "Do you want that present or not?" I ask raising my eyebrow. "Yes. Yes I do. I love you. Ok? There I said it." She blurts.

'You want me that badly mommy?' I think. 'What do you think slut?' She asks in a sarcastic tone. 'Clearly not that bad because you're being a brat.' I think back. She raises an eyebrow at me and I can tell if I don't stick this out then the roles will be reversed. 'I think you'll be more inclined towards this late night present when you open your gifts.' She looks both confused and intrigued. She finally breaks the eye contact.

"Damn who would've thought." Narcissa comments. We both look at her surprised. "And you two clearly thought you were being quite and private." We look at each other and back at her. "Oh don't act so caught in the act it's too late for that." She says cockily. Draco and Blaise are both completely lost just looking at the three of us wondering what the hell they missed.

"Go." I say shooing Bellatrix with my hands towards the tree. She huffs and turns to the tree and begins collecting the first presents. I have a clean view of her ass poked into the air as she's bent down. I look away to see Narcissa looking at me and judging me. "Hey I'm admiring what's mine." I say defensively holding my hands up in the air. Just as I finish this statement Bella turns around with the presents in hand. She passes two out and then hands me mine and sits in my lap.

They're the ones from Narcissa. Draco unwraps his and pulls out a whole broom stick. The box had been put under an extension charm. "This is beautiful!" He exclaims running his finger tips across the handle and admiring its features. "Thank you mother!" He exclaims, leaning over to hug her. "You're welcome darling." She replies kissing him on the top of his head.

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