Questions - chapter 32

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"Y/n, Hello. What brings you here at this hour of night?" Dumbledore asks. "The dark lord is dead. I killed him." I whisper still shocked. He seems both awestruck and confused. I explain everything and that Bellatrix has been my assistant this whole time in disguise. He seems against it at first but I convince him of Bella's innocence and explain that she didn't want to kill Harry after she met me.

After a very long explanation he calls Harry in and we tell him everything. He seems confused too but then relieved. A relief I hadn't seen on him since I had known him. He gives me a hug and thanks me for everything. Dumbledore and I talk quite a bit more after Harry leaves. We agree that I will stay on as the Potions teacher at Hogwarts so long as Bella stays undisguised from here on out. He assures me he will tell everyone the news.

Bellatrix and I leave and go home. We both take a shower and wash off the events of today. I tell her to get dressed because I have a surprise for her. She seems confused but does so and puts on the dress I pick out for her and we get ready together.
My outfit:

Bellatrix's Outfit:

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Bellatrix's Outfit:

I lead her to the Manor Garden, then to the Gazebo at the center

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I lead her to the Manor Garden, then to the Gazebo at the center. With her eyes covered on the way there she has no idea what to expect.
I lead her up the steps and onto the platform. I turn her around. "Keep your eyes closed." I whisper. She giggles as my breath tickles her ear. I remove my hands and get down on one knee behind her. I pull out the small velvet box that has been burning a whole in my pocket. "Ok Darling. I want you to uncover your eyes and turn around." I instruct gently. She does so and when she turns around she beholds the scene

 She does so and when she turns around she beholds the scene

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She gasps and tears already begin to pool in her eyes. "Bellatrix, the six months since I met you have been the best of my life. You make me the best version of myself, and you make me so incredibly happy. I've said it before and I'll say as many times as I need I would split to world for you, I would rain hell upon anyone who dared take you from me. I love you with every piece of me and I couldn't imagine my life without you.

You are the love of my life, of that I am certain. I know that because I don't want to live in a world where you don't call me yours. My favorite place to be is in your arms, your scent intoxicates me. Your beauty is overwhelming and I'm quite sure I'll never get used to it. I love you more than life itself and today, when Voldemort threatened my life with that curse my life flashed before my eyes. And do you know what I saw? I saw you. It made me realize that life is short and I want all of mine to be with you. So now that I'm done rambling, Will you make me the happiest woman and the world and become my wife?" I finally finish.

She drops to her knees in tears in front of me. "Yes, yes, yes times a thousand!" She exclaims. I slide the ring on her finger.

"I love it so much!" She gasps

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"I love it so much!" She gasps. "I thought you'd appreciate something more simple on a count of you're not much of a jewelry person." I explain. "No, it's perfect." She says. She reaches for her pocket. "Bellatrix, what are you doing?" I ask in disbelief. She pulls out a small ring box. I gasp. "Y/n, I've known for a while that I wanted you to be my wife. I've had this ring on standby waiting for the right moment. Though I suppose you beat me to it." The ring is beautiful.


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"Bellatrix. It's gorgeous!" I exclaim. She slips it onto my ring finger and we immediately crash into a hug. Full of passion and love. The purest of hugs possible. "I could stay like this forever. In your arms. There's no safer place in the world when I'm in your embrace." I whisper into her ear. When I open my eyes we're in my room. She must've apparated whilst I melted into her arms. It's so very late but my body aches and I need to clean myself.

"Would you like a shower?" She asks as if reading my mind. "Yes please." I answer in relief. We get in the shower, melting under the hot water. We help each other get clean and when we get out we get ready for bed. When we finally slide under the sheets, we start cuddling. I lean forward and lay a kiss right behind her ear, and as soon as my head hits the pillow the world fades quickly into nothing.

Okay that's a few hundred words shorter than usual but at leas to finally posted it. Please be patient with me I'm truthfully a bit burnt out on this story but I'm going to finish it. Slowly but surely. Might be some smut in the next chapter.

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