Safe And Happy With You

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Ever since Kara had her heart broken many times, especially when Mon-El came back married, it has been hard for her to find love again... But on the other hand, you were her best friend, ever since High School after Kenny's death. Kara had developed feelings for you since defeating Reign and the World Killers. You were there for her when her world fell apart, you fixed it for her. Like a good friend would. You were unaware of her feelings towards you and today... You find out by her words.

You were a DEO Agent, former US Task Force member who fought a war in Afghanistan, coming back from a recent mission, taking down an escaped fugitive with the help of Kara being Supergirl.

During the mission, Kara was hit by a Kryptonite ray, knocking out her powers for a bit, the escaped fugitive had the weapon and he fired it again. Only for you to jump in front of the beam and take the hit, taking it like a champ.

You turned that pain into anger and went for the fugitive as he made a run for it, only for you to catch up to him and then threatened to end his life.

Alex: woah woah, Agent L/N! Put the gun down!

You: this son of a bitch could've killed Supergirl!

Alex: just out the gun down, we need him alive, remember... This isn't a war you're fighting anymore.

Alex was right. You weren't fighting a war anymore. You put you're pistol back into you're holster and yanked the man off the ground, then arresting him, handing him over to Alex.

Now back at the DEO?

You were just checking in on Kara to see if she was alright, as she stretched her arms and legs as her skirt lifted up a little, making you blush for a few quick seconds.

You: hey KD.

She turned round and greeted you.

Kara: hi Y/N. Come to see me? And thank you... For what you did back there. You saved me.

You: yeah... About that.

You looked away, annoyed at yourself.

You: I could've killed that man back there... For hurting you. I don't know why but... Everytime you get hurt, I wanna find out who it was and just... *sigh*.

Kara: hey, look at me.

You look towards Kara who now spoke on a soft tone of voice.

Kara: I know it's hard for you, to move on from that war you fought in Afghanistan. It wasn't you're fault those people died. They chose to fight along side you.

You: Kara this isn't making me feel any better.

Kara: I'm not finished yet.

You: sorry.

Kara: *chuckle* it's alright... What I was gonna say was that... In the end... Sacrifices are made to make sure everyone has a chance at life... You made that sacrifice and with that... You are hailed a war Hero. A soldier.

You then smiled at Kara. Heart moved by her words.

Kara: and one more thing... Do you ever believe you're safe?

You: sometimes... Only if I'm around...

Kara looked at you, concerned why you didn't finish you're sentence.

Kara: around who or what?

You: around... You.

You blushed a little hard, looking away with embarrassment. Kara stood shocked but then smirked.

Kara: well... If that's the case then... You don't mind I do this.

She caressed you're check and then pulled you in for a soft, long passionate kiss on the lips.

You melted into the kiss, letting her hands travel up you're back as you wrapped you're arms around her waist.

Pulling back and opening eyes, the both of you smiled.

Kara: I've been waiting to do that for so long.

You: how long?

Kara ever since we defeated Reign and the World Killers.

You: 5 months?

Kara nodded her head, grinning as Alex then walked seeing the both of you very close to each other, seeing you're arms wrapped around her waist.

Alex: you finally told him Kara.

Turning you're attention to Alex, seeing her lean against the door archway.

Kara: oh... Hi Al.

Alex: so... You two doing something tonight or what?

You looked at Kara.

You: wait... Are we?

Kara: dinner at my place?

You: potstickers?

Kara: and pizza.

You: I'm in.

Kara smiled as Alex then asked you something.

Alex: Y/N, did you mention to Kara that "I'm more safe with you".

You: not just that.

You looked at Kara then stroked her cheek, speaking to her now.

You: I'm more safe and happy with you Kara. Always and always will be...


Supergirl/Kara Danvers/Melissa Benoist Imagines with Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now