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Kara laid on the couch, blanket over her and had dry tears on her face, damp tissues were on the table in front of her, she was heartbroken.

She was used emotionally, her so called 'boyfriend' was using her from the start, manipulating her to turn her against her own friends and family, including you.

You had a chemistry with the man, you two hated each other since he was the one responsible for getting a friend of the family killed, he hated Aliens and when he found out Kara was one, he threatened to tell the entire world.

This on the other hand made you lose your shit (Frank Woods style) and you went after him, capturing him and torturing him for information since he worked with a group of criminals that were National City's most wanted criminal group.

You killed him in front of Alex and all the others who were watching, Alex wasn't very happy that you killed someone, even though it was for the better.

"do you want your sister to be endangered throughout the entire world?! Your own family? Criminals and nasty fucks like Lillian and Lex will certainly go for her family, go for you, the fucker deserved it! Hope he's burning in hell right now".

You left for the night, sick and tired of arguing back and fourth with mostly everyone.

Except Winn, he didn't have an issue since it wasn't his problem.

You headed back to your apartment, eventually walking by Kara's door which you lived right next to her.

Deciding to knock on her door, you would be answered immediately.

"it's unlocked" Kara's voice croaked.

Opening the door, you see her on the couch, blanket over her, damp tissues from her tears were on the table.

You closed the door behind you and slowly walked to the couch.

"you alright?" you asked softly, you were always soft and kindhearted around Kara, not once have you ever gotten angry at her in any infuriating situation.

You stood over her, she looks up and you could see she felt like shit, heartbroken and all shattered.

"oh Kara, c'mere" you sat on the couch, she turns round and rests herself on top of you, blanket covering you both up as she hugs into you, her head rested on your chest.

She sniffs as tears start to form around her eyes, she was shaking a little, which caught your attention immediately.

"ssh ssh ssh, its ok... I'm here".

She sobs lightly, she was starting to calm down a little a few minutes after.

You wanted to tell her the fate of Blake (her 'ex' boyfriend).

"Kara, I uh... Killed Blake".

"hmm" she brushed it off, it was like she didn't give a damn if you killed him.

"you're alright with this? I had a tense argument back at the DEO about killing Blake".

"I really don't care about him, he used me, tried to turn me against all of you and... Tried exposing Supergirl's secret identity to the world, I'm glad you killed him, he deserves it".

You were a bit dumbfounded to hear Kara say that, you could hear the anger in her voice about Blake and how relieved she was when you killed him.

"that... I was not expecting you to say, I've never heard you say anything like that before?"

"well... I did once, when Alex was captured by Cadmus, I threatened to kill a man's life for toying with my emotions" she let's out a sad sigh.

You both look at each other, you wipe a tear from her eye as she smiles weakly at you.

"I got information out of him and it seems Lillian and Lex won't be hiding for long with their so called 'secret' plan".

"how do you do it better than Alex?"

"do what?" you questioned, staring into her blue comets.

"make people talk? A lot of people get intimidated from you instead of Alex".

"well... You just gotta do your research, threaten them with weapons, knives, or just beat the information out of them, Alex only does it if there is no other choice but me? I do it anyway, and since it was Blake? I tortured the fuck out of him, he hurt you Kara, and karma was headed his way".

Kara's smile turns bright, she rests her head on your chest again, snuggling into you like she and a toy bear to cuddle into.

You wrapped an arm around her and smiled.

"Y/N?" she whispered.

"yeah?" you answered back her softly.

"I want you in bed with me" she said suggestively, taking you by surprise immediately.

"woah, wait? You want me to sleep with you?"

"yes" she whispers, smiling and holding you tight, feeling your warm body.

You could only smile at her response, you both look at each other, tension built up as you both were about to close the gap until her phone started ringing.

She sighs and gets off you to answer the phone.


"Kara, we uh got a situation, an Alien situation".

She then picks up danger within the city with her super hearing, another White Martian was causing havok through the calm night.

"on my way" she hangs up and places her phone back down on the table and gets up.

"what's happening?" you asked getting up.

"another White Martian" she sighs before using her super speed to get into her suit, her cape flapps when she re-appears.

"well, I'm not gonna stop you, go get em, I'll be waiting here".

She smiles and flies out the window to deal with the White Martian, you could only think of what would've happened if you two weren't interrupted by her cell phone, you two were about to kiss back there since tension built up, she was very comfortable snuggling into you as you comforted her, Kara knew how gentle and kind you are around her, you were always so sweet to her.

You smiled at the thought, before taking off your DEO gear, placing it on the table and sitting on the couch, waiting for Kara to return...

Supergirl/Kara Danvers/Melissa Benoist Imagines with Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now