Goodness In The Heart Part 2

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"the whole place is surrounded by Cadmus Agents and Robots, I'm sending you a layout of entire facility"

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"the whole place is surrounded by Cadmus Agents and Robots, I'm sending you a layout of entire facility".

By hitting send, the Technician Winn Schott brings up the layout of the Cadmus Facility.

"we've got the layout Yarrow, now tell us why you're really helping?"

"I'm helping because my people are dying, and need proper treatment, food, water, shelter, they've been driven out the Village they lived in by an Alien that I thought you all let out on purpose... But... I was a fool to blame you".

"Supergirl convinced me to help you, and wants me to join you... Since I'm good at my job... Lillian is only using me for that and I won't tolerate such blasphemy, she's killed defenseless prisoners who refused to work with her, she is dishonourable and I see it now" you continued.

"please... I only ask for forgiveness to join you... To redeem myself from my past actions".

J'onn pauses for a moment, to think of what you said, some chatter was in the background, an Agent being skeptical it could be a trick.

"he's right Agent Danvers, Yarrow is helping us because Supergirl got through to him, telling him he's fighting for the wrong side" the Director says to Agent Alex Danvers.

"we will send Agents to rescue Supergirl and your people Yarrow, in the meantime, remain in character until we arrive".

"thank you Director J'onzz, you are in my debt".

You disconnect the link to the DEO and head out, being wary if anyone had caught you, but to no surprise, no one was around and the security cameras weren't online at your location.

You continued your way back to the room where Supergirl was being held at, only to hear distant screams of pain.

"no!" you say to yourself, now starting to run towards the room ahead of you.

You bursted through the door to see the same Cadmus Agent you snapped at earlier on was using the pad to electrocute her.

"Agent! STAND DOWN!"

He ignores you and continues to torture Supergirl with electro therapy.

"I said STAND DOWN! THAT IS AN ORDER!" you shout again, the Cadmus Agent turns round and scolds you.

"I don't take orders from YOU!"

"go see your dying people while you still can"

You've had enough, you wrap your arms around his neck, choking him out until he passed out.

The pad drops to the floor, Supergirl's electro-therapy stops as you choke the life out of the Cadmus Agent until he passed out.

He tries to fight back but you were too strong as he started to black out, eventually passing out.

You let go as he drops to the floor, passed out, unconscious.

"you show dishonor"

You picked his unconscious body up and dumb it somewhere no one will go looking, you walk back over to the pad and placed it back on the torture table.

"are you alright?" you ask Supergirl who was in pain.

"yeah *grunts in pain* I'm fine, thank you".

"I've thought of what you told me... I contacted the DEO without any detection, they are on they're way here now, I have to remain in character until they arrive".

Supergirl gets up, surprised at what she just heard.

"you... You contacted them to come here? How did you do it?"

It's simple... I used your comms device I took behind Lillian's back and connected it to the control room under the radar, they won't know what will hit them" you bring out her comms device, singling it to her.

She chuckles a little.

"so... How long till I'm in this cell?"

I don't know, I can't shut down the red sun lamps, they'll get a warning that they've shut down" you say unfortunately.

"oh Rao" she sighs frustrated.

"Who's Rao?" you question.

"Rao is a Kryptonian god I believe in, the House of El believes in the Legend, along with me, I've learned that Humans have they're own God's like Greek and Norse Gods, I've also learned that Christians believe in God and the son of God Jesus. I know you Humans say 'god' of 'jesus' for other sayings too".

"hmm, sounds interesting, I don't believe in gods but some of us are guided by our ancestor's spirits, showing us the bright path"

"isn't that a Japanese type of thing?" the Girl of Steel frowns.

"yes, I learned that when I was young, the Village I was born in was inhabited by people from different countries throughout the world, highly Japanese and English people lived there, we lived in harmony, peace, our Village is called Heathmoor".

"Heathmoor? I've almost wanted to go there, I've heard so much great things in that Village" she says thinking of what she heard back then.

"and now it's desecrated, destroyed, and I wasn't there... If I was there... I could've prevented the destruction of Heathmoor, and I blamed the DEO for releasing that Alien on purpose, I was a fool that time... But thanks to you... I've regained my thoughts, my beliefs, a new perspective to Aliens... Like you" you smiled at Supergirl, she smiles back at you.

"once this is over Y/N... I will help you and your people rebuild Heathmoor, to its glory as it once was before".

Your eyes widened at her response, not knowing what to say next.

"I... I don't know what to say? Words don't express how grateful I am right now, thank you, no one has ever been this very kind to me, especially an Alien".

She smiles brightly at you which would soon fade as the alarms go off.

"I guess that's the DEO" she sighs.

You walk over to the pad and shut down the red sun lamps, open her cell and remove her cuffs.

"it will take some time for me to be back at full strength with all my powers".

"which means you'll need to stick with me, I don't want Cadmus Agents, Hank (Cyborg Superman) or Lillian to hurt you, they'll have to get through me first".

To be continued...

Supergirl/Kara Danvers/Melissa Benoist Imagines with Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now