Chapter 36

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I began to lose hope of finding them in the building when one of the women stood violently and threw something at us. The blade flew by us, a breeze on my check. I stood motionless, my breath catching in my throat as I stared at the woman.

The loud thud of my fathers knees connecting with the carpet froze time itself. The woman's venomous look morphed into a satisfied smirk. Her chest rose up and down as she glared at the man. Her right hand, now empty, was extended where she had released the blade.

My father's ashen face watched as the woman pushed past both Jax and me as we gapped. His body shook as the young woman in a vermilion dress pulled the blade out and whipped the blood on her skirt. The stain was nearly invisible and I wondered if that was the purpose of the color.

The barbaric action only increased the blood flow and my father collapsed onto his side, eyes staring up at me with an emotion only a dying man could have: pure and utter regret.

Bending over despite the tight dress and lush skirt, I breathed down on him. "You never understood me, you never understood us. You tell us we're monsters as though you aren't one. You might be right, I have killed, but I have only protected myself and the people I love. You kill for power and pride. Don't you dare die without knowing that." My voice hissed out, years of salty tears and deep wounds reflected in my final words to the dying man.

"Goodbye, father." I stood and turned to walk away from him. The young woman who had stabbed him was waiting at the door like nothing had happened, he faced now that of Liu Ming.

She looked at me and I nodded, thanking her for helping us. I was still bitter after last night, but I now owed her a debt. Her chin pulled downward, accepting my thanks before moving to Jax.

"We need to move quickly," she observed.

"I would never have guessed," Jax bit out, his hand still cupping the knife. "Where are the horses?"

"They're around back, Isabella is waiting for us."

Just as Liu Ming had said, Isabella was waiting with four saddled horses. She looked frantic with disheveled hair and torn clothing.

When she saw us, her face slacked, mouth falling open.

"What happened? You did something to Nicholas and he collapsed. How did you do that?" Her eyes caught on to Jax and Liu Ming, her already shocked expression turning darker. "Who is she and what happened to Jax?"

I ignored my frantic sister, helping Liu Ming lift Jax onto his horse. His face was beginning to pale, left arm hanging limp.

Liu Ming and I mounted next, the seams from my dress finally tearing. With a swift kick, our party was hurtling down the road, away from the hell behind us. I knew the closest water source was miles away at a constant rate.

"Maurea, please explain what is going on. I was beside myself with worry, especially seeing the guest flee as though they had met death. You killed Nicholas without a weapon, how is that possible?"

Isabella was the only family I had left, I didn't want her to see the darker side of me, but she looked on the verge of tears. I understood her fear, I had felt it myself, but now was not the time to explain every dark part of my past. Jax's life was in danger, he had been out of the water for days, he was on the brink of humanity. If he died now, there was only so much water could do for him.

"I'm sorry, Isabella, but now is not the time for this discussion. I promise I will explain, but we need to find a body of water soon." I urged my horse to go faster, the beast's sides already heaving under the strain. My own arm was beginning to sting, the warm blood scabbing. Thankfully my cut was much smaller.

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