Chapter 7

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The deck was empty, save for the few unlucky souls who were still cramping themselves into the few remaining crafts. With only one lifeboat and too many men to hold, there was a hysteric shuffle for the craft.

"Over here," Jax called, pushing his way to the railing as a thunderous crack reverberated through the ship. "The mast is going to break soon. We don't want to be here when that happens."

"You don't need to use the lifeboat," I noted. "You're like me."

"Yes, now we need to leave." He held out his hand to help me to the railing. "It's a simple jump."

"I don't doubt that. We should hurry, no?"

I climbed over, letting his hand fall next to him. The watcher sloshed around the hull and I could seal cracks where water was pouring in like an invader.

My feet left the desk and I found myself plummeting to the water once more. This time, I felt like I was returning home.

Jax appeared next to me in a billow of bubbles. The blood from his shirt faded in the water leaving a pink stain. He pulled his shirt up, pointing to the fading gash on his chest. The skin pinched together and lightened until nothing was left, no scar or blood.

With everything I had seen, the oddest wasn't the wound healing, but the man floating next to me, eyes glowing in the water. I could feel my heart twitch, wanting to connect, but I pulled it back. I knew nothing for certain about Jax.

When he saw my face, his head tilted. "I apologize if this is too much at once. I don't want to overwhelm you."

His voice was eerie. It rang higher, an octave under a screech. I had never heard anything like it.

"We can speak," I said, testing out the ability.

The sound didn't originate in my mouth like other words. Instead, it can form a pressure just below my collar. Vibrations rippling up my neck until they reached my mouth.

"It's a shock at first. Come," he shot forward, calling over his shoulder, "we have places to be. There is a ship following, just beyond the storm. We need to meet her."

I did as I was told, following Jax into the inky water. The storm didn't reach this deep, only the glint of light and the buzz of electricity gave me any indication that it existed at all.

Even with everything that had happened, there was no more conversation, but I was glad. I needed time to think, to set my thoughts straight.

Jax had known my name and where to find me which wouldn't have been suspicious, but he also was adamant about getting me off the ship. His earlier scheme no longer made sense and I could only think he had been there specifically for me if that was the case, but it made no sense.

Then, like a beacon, the hull of a ship appeared. It was vastly different from The Black Voyage. The most notable difference was the size. While The Black Voyage was average size with a single sail, this ship boasted double masts and three levels. It was the image of a trading vessel at its finest.

"This is your ship?" I asked, swimming to the surface.

The storm had long faded behind us leaving the clear sky and rainbow after. The ship's hull cut clean through the tide until it was benign down on it.

"Not mine, but a friend's," Jax declared, swimming to the rear. Along the stern, a steel ladder was punched in the wood leaving from the water to the helm. "They'll be at the top, probably still looking for any trace of us in the wreck."

He hauled himself out, climbing the first few feet before turning back to me. "Are you going to spend all day in the water? I wouldn't blame you, but you won't get answers down there."

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