Chapter 15

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I spent a few, quiet hours in my apartment. There was a roll of bedding shoved under the bed frame and I struggled to beat out the dust. Being on the corner, I had two windows which I was now thrown open.

I would make this my new home, just a few personal effects would make it my own. As soon as it was possible, I would find food to leave in the cupboard, wood for the stove, and decorations for the room.

I had grown restless when the bell finally chimed and the plaza began to fill with people. Before most had arrived, I found myself standing near the outer circle, watching Spirits file in.

For the first time, I saw how diverse Intutum could be. Not only were people of all races present, Spirits with a variety of gifts interacted as though it was natural.

A woman with skin like a tortoise laughed with Anaula, her dark wings brushing the ground as she joked. A man with a bent back walked, fins protruding from his spine. Not all Spirits were like them though, most passes as human. The only thing that set them apart was the glint in their eyes as they turned their heads.

Jax found me as I watched the Spirits, pointing out some of the nicer ones and telling me their gift. He stopped when we caught the eyes of Atoya.

At the farthest reach of the plaza, Atoya stood with Siren and another woman, her head covered in a scarf. The dark material flowed over her scalp as though it was made of liquid, dark blue fabric that fluttered with every movement.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Jax.

"That's Perkha. She's the council leader for Venoms, your leader." He tipped his head so he was at my level, "you should meet her."

He offered me his hand and I took it for the first time, letting him pull me to my feet. Slowly, we weaved through the crowd to the opposite side, drawing stares from everyone we passed.

As we neared, the woman turned and I choked down a gasp. The right side of her face was burnt. Scars lined her features, her eye barely visible through the tangle of skin. Her skin was naturally darker, a rich tan but the skin of her scar looked raw.

"She was hurt as a human and though she wouldn't mind your stares, remember she is a person."

I nodded, pulling my eyes away from her scar. Perkha was beautiful, her smile, though only reaching half of her face, was dazzling.

Taking a deep breath, I bowed my head as we approached her. "Hello, my name is Maurea. I am told you are my council member. Pleased to meet you, madam."

"Maurea, you're the new Spirit Siren's told me about." I looked up to find Perkha beaming. She quickly embraced me, patting my back. "You've been through quite an ordeal. Tell me, how are you?"

I blinked at the woman before coming to my senses. "I'm alright, thank you for your concern," I managed to answer.

"I'm pleased to hear that. Did this one give you any trouble?" Perkha waved her finger at Jax who backed up with his arms raised.

"Not at all, Perkha. You know I'm a gentleman above all else," Jax smirked, grinning at the woman.

"He was quite lovely, I assure you." I tried to stand up for Jax, but Perkha suddenly laughed.

"I don't doubt it, but I have to check."

Her eyes looked me up and down, taking in my worn garments and gnarled hair. She tutted to herself, slowly circling me.

Her eyes returned to mine and I started to see they were a blinding green. "Now, what is your gift?"

"She's a Venom," Jax interjected. "Her nails, they're deadly."

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