Chapter 20

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"Voldemort?" James whispered.

"You killed my mom! Give me back my brother!" Eva raised her wand at him.

"Jarvis? JARVIS? CAN YOU HEAR ME???" Tony yelled.

"Stupid muggle, your thing has been destroyed." the snake-like man laughed coldly.

"EDITH?" Tony tried again.

"Yes, Mr. Stark? Who's the target?"


"Target locked."

"Reducto!" Voldemort yelled and Tony's glasses shattered on the floor.

"Darn it!" Tony shouted.

All the agents still had guns pointed at Voldemort.

"James Potter, you have a week to answer. If you refuse, I will personally owl your precious Harry's head to you and the girl. Change of plans, bring me the girl too if you don't want your son killed." With a laugh, he disappeared.

James' knees went weak and stumbled on the floor, tears kept falling on his face. Eva had a slight panic attack, crying unstoppably, and was trying to be calmed by Natasha and Wanda.

"Breathe in, and out," Natasha instructed Eva with her calm voice.

Eva slowly calmed in within 3 minutes. She went to her dad and gave him a hug. He hugged her back quickly, his eyes were red from crying.

"Now I know who the mole is." Eva gritted her teeth.

"The only one who knew this place is Albus Dumbledore." snarled James.

"I'm sorry guys, but you can no longer help us. Except for Wanda. Technology and magic couldn't work together. Wanda, will you help us?"

"Yes, but wait! I have a friend. He had magic powers too. But a bit different from yours." Wanda explained.

"Location?" James asked shakily.

"Kamar-Taj, a village in a hidden land in the Himalaya Mountains in the area now known as Tibet, Nepal," she answered.

James held Eva and Wanda's hands, bid everyone goodbye and apparate away with them.

Wanda knocked on a door and a man, known as Mordo greeted them. A few people made them feel comfortable, then Wanda turned to the bold man. "Ancient One, it is an honor to see you again," Wanda said and the Ancient One nodded. "Likewise, Scarlett Witch. James Potter and Eva Potter needed my help, correct?" Eva and James mumbled a small 'yes'.

"Alright, I'll help. Lead the way, Mr. Potter."

Sorry, I took so long! What do you think of this chapter? I have read some previous comments that they want Lily Potter back. But I doubt I would put her back as my theory stands that if Lily lived, Harry and Eva would have died because Lily died protecting them. If she did not die, the siblings would. Voldemort was intended to kill James and that's why I made James alive. It had nothing to do with Lily, Eva, and Harry. I am sorry and I hope you will understand.

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