Chapter 15 (bonus chapter!)

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(876 words)

Tsukishima sighed as he buried his face into his hands. He was sitting at his desk trying to finish an assignment, but wasn't doing so well. Usually, the blonde was great at all things school related, everything from English to math but for whatever reason, he just couldn't do it right now.

He sighed and slouched down into his chair.

'Goddammit,why can't I just focus'! He angrily thought and ran a hand through his short, curly hair.

Tsukishima sadly looked at the word document he's been trying to work with for 45 minutes and the minimal words placed on it. He'd been able to write an introduction but everyone knows that's the easiest part of an essay. If this is what his whole night was gonna be like he was pretty much screwed as this was not only boring, but also anti productive.

With a defeated look on his face, he slowly shut his laptop, hoping that later that evening he would be able to finish it. Tsukishima grumbled and slowly got up from his chair. He decided to grab a quick snack to tie him over before dinner which would be in a few hours.

Just as the tall boy touched the door handle, his phone went off. He grabbed it off the table, deciding to check who sent him a text even though he would probably ignore them unless it was important.

He saw Yamaguchi's name and immediately clicked on the notification. Yamaguchi was one of the only people he actually wanted to text, in fact if it was anyone besides his boyfriend or his parents he would leave them on read.

When he opened the text, he saw that it was an image and the blonde boy smiled. He loved it when Yamaguchi sent him pictures. They were usually of himself or a cute outfit he wore, his fluffy white dog or something he did that day. He never knew what it would be but he did know that whatever was sent to him made his day 100x better.

He grinned widely and chuckled at the picture that was sent to him. It was a picture of Oikawa getting volleyball's thrown at him by Iwazumi, Hanamaki and Mattsukawa (if he remembers their names correctly) dying of laughter and seemed to be recording the whole situation, the second years were either trying to calm down Iwaizumi or they were just laughing along, the first years were just watching everything going down, and then of course Yamaguchi is the bottom left corner of the screen was smiling and posing cutely.

The picture was captioned: just another normal volleyball practice!

Tsukishima smiled and looked over the picture for the fifth time, taking in all the details before texting back.


*Yama sent an image*

Yama: Just another normal volleyball practice!

Me: I don't think I want to know what happened, you look cute though

Yama: Tbh I don't blame you

Yama: Oh, thanks Tsukki 😅

Me: Still not sure how you can deal with your team, they seem annoying

Yama: Oh come on Tsukki, don't Say that!

Me: Yeah, yeah whatever

Yama: I gtg, they seemed to calm down Iwa so time to get back to practice

Me: Alright, bye Yama, can you facetime tn?

Yama: Bye Tsukki! Yeah I should be able to, Do you think you could help me with my homework tho?

Me: Yeah I can help, I also have assignment to do too

Yama: Ok! Thanks Tsukki

Me: Mhm

Tsukishima smiled and shut off his phone. Yamaguchi and him hadn't been able to facetime in two weeks. The only time Yamaguchi didn't have practice was on Mondays but that was when Tsukishima tutored some dumb kids in his class. It didn't help that the students that went to Seijoh got out an hour later than the Nekoma students did meaning that Yamaguchi had practice until 5:45.

Of course after practice he had to eat dinner and do homework which could last a while and just couldn't fit facetiming Tsukishima into his schedule.

It was a relief that he was able to tonight, Tsukishima missed talking to him a lot, more than he wishes to admit. Tsukishima sighed contentedly before laying down onto his bed.

He couldn't wait for Tonight.


So that was the last chapter, idk why but I feel like this story isn't complete yet. Meh, it's whatever. Oh, funny story! So I write on google docs cause I'm used to it and I think it's easier to use and when I was starting to write this story I was like 'Oh this is gonna be a quick story, maybe like 10 pages at most or smth'. GUESS WHAT? It's 36 pages now, close to 4x what I expected, but it was a fun journey so it was worth it. Thank you so much for reading this, seriously, I get really happy when I see that the reader count went up so thank you again! This story shall forever hold a special place in my hearth as my first finished story (not counting the one-shots I've written).  Well I guess that's it, thank you for reading, I'm now suddenly feeling sad that it's over but It's okay! BYE!

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