Chapter five

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Hii there, thank you once again for choosing to read through this. ILY! Anyways remember to smile and don't be shy, vote!:)
TW: Implied self-harming


"What no! These cuts uh, it was accident." Midoriya quickly grabbed his hoodie off the sand, he shaked the sand off but Bakugou gripped onto his wrist.

"These don't look accidental." Midoriya flinched, his secret was out.

"HEY BASTARDS COME HERE!" He called out to the water, they were all soaked from the water. They all laughed and ran up to them.

"Hey we swimming or-"

"Deku is cutting himself."

"WHAT?!" Kirishima gripped onto his other wrist and examined, his eyes widen. His friend was doing this to himself without saying anything to him.

"What happened to no secrets Midoriya?!"

"I-I can't-I mean I..." Midoriya stuttered, he yanked his arms off their grips and grabbed his hoodie off the sand. He sniffled and ran off the sand into the cold pavement, he held his shoes in his hands. Kirishima and Bakugou ran after him, Midoriya jumped in the car, he scrabbled to the keys. He turned on the car and pulled off the driveway, Midoriya began sobbing while driving, his vision blurred a bit my the tears but he didn't care. His one and only secret was revealed. 


"Ok guys we have 20 mins till were on stage! Come on move it people!" The stage manager yelled out, everyone ran around finding their places and getting ready. Jirou and Ururaka fixing their hair and putting on light makeup, they were changed into their outfits ready. Denki was checking himself in the mirror and smiling at himself. Kirishima and Bakugou was full ready but they were worried because Midoriya wasn't there. He has been missing for hours.

"Where is Deku?!"

"He isn't here momo!"

"WHAT?! WHERE IS HE?!" Momo screamed, everyone ran around trying to find him but they couldn't. Bakugou felt like he was responsible for Midoriya disappearing.

"15 Minutes!" Someone yelled out, everyone worried they couldn't find Deku.

"WE NEED DEKU HERE!" They were all worried for the debut, without Deku who will be the lead singer.

"I could replace Deku, I know the song like the back of my hand!" Ururaka stated, at a moment of desperation Momo accepted her offer.

"Fine! Go change into the lead singer outfit!" Ururaka started run but she tripped and fell.

"No need for that." They all turn and see the owner of the voice, Midoriya.



"5 minutes! Everyone on stage." Ururaka dusted herself off and the band members began running on stage. The lights were off and the audience started cheering loud as they saw figures come on stage. Bakugou sat at the drumset he cleaned off a tear of sweat off his forehead and grabbed onto his drumsticks. Kirishima and Denki grabbed onto their guitars, Ururaka and Jirou grabbed their mic stands, they were ready. 

"Why isn't deku getting on stage?" Bakugou whispered to Kirishima, he mouthed the words 'I don't know'. Deku walked onto the stage, people cheered, he walked over to and whispered something to Bakugou. Bakugou signaled something to Kirishima, he passed the signal down to Kaminari, He passed the message to Ururaka and she passed it to Jirou. They all nodded in agreement, Deku stood in the middle of the stage. 

This moment, was everything to him. The moment he dreamed of since he was a child. The lights turned on and shun the stage, the spotlight came onto Deku. He took a deep breath in, the spotlight shun on him like the sun. This feeling he felt made him confident. Bakugou began tapping the tempo with his drumsticks, Kaminari and Kirishima began strumming their guitars. 

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