Chapter Thirteen

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-Two weeks later-

"Hey Midoriya, you wanna go get some coffee or something?"

"Sure!" The two childhood best friends walk side by side, the week has been calm. The band decided to take a break since the manager was away and their drummer as well. Although Kirishima and Midoriya had been working on a new song.

They arrive at the usual coffee place, they order their drinks quickly. The morning light shining through the windows, it was a calm morning. 

"Hey, how is the whole not seeing Bakugou been?" Midoriya had to admit, it hadn't been that bad. It has been good, not to be badgered by Bakugou to give him kisses all the time. Midroiya did miss him, the night he left was emotional but at the end of the day, it was only a month. 

"Yeah, it's been good I guess."

"Nice! I was thinking let's go party or something, I know someone is throwing a party!" The short one thought about for a moment, it would be amazing going out for a night but maybe watching Netflix in his pajamas wasn't that bad as well. 

"I guess..."

"BOOYA!" Kirishima pulled out his phone and started typing away, Midoriya tried to glance over but Kirishima stopped him. Before Midoriya could say something Kirishima ran out of the store like a cheetah.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ABOUT THE DRINKS!" Midoriya yelled out drawing the attention of the other customers, but it was too late Kirishima was long gone. An employee walked over to the table and handed the short one the drinks, Midoriya laughed nervously.

He sat down alone, partying is good sometimes. Maybe he will have fun that night, or maybe not. He just wants to hug Bakugou, be patient. 


"Hey, Bakugou! Are you ok?" Momo walks into the hotel room they were staying in. It has been a very stressful 2 weeks for both of them. 

"Bakugou, it's fine. We are leaving early aren't you happy?" He was but was most worried about going back to the band. He just has nerves for no reason, he shrugs it off and looks at Momo.

"I'm glad. I really want to see Deku." She grows a big grin and sits next to Bakugou on the bed, she wonders where Ururaka is. Yes, that brunette was a pain in the neck but she was determined. In a bad way.

"You know, one day you guys will be famous and will most likely need a better manager huh?..." 

"Our band will always need you Momo." She smiles sweetly, Momo loves reassuring words. Bakugou silently reached for the controller and turned on the tv.


"WHAT?!" The two jump up, excited to see their band and Deku on the screen.

"A new band arising to popularity, everyone is talking about the song in their debut. Deku, their lead singer showcasing his 'scars', everyone fell in love with the members very quickly." Momo squeals, their gaining popularity fast.

"On a gossip note, Deku has been spotted by paparazzi hanging out with a friend, not a band member. They were getting really cozy in my and the opinion of the new fans." 

Cozy. Friend. Bakugou stared intently, a video began showing on the screen, it was blurry but it was a video of Deku and...Todoroki walking and talking. It seemed normal until the camera did one final zoom in and it shows Deku kissing Todoroki's cheek.

"Well, fans what do you think? Is this just friendship or something more? Do we already have a scandal on our way, Deku has also been seen with the band's drummer walking and also holding hands." Bakugou squeezed the controller harder and roughly shut off the tv. Momo jumped at the sudden motion, they were both really confused. 

The band just kicked off and now they might have a scandal. Momo was more worried about the band, if Midoriya and Bakugou fight how will they work together. Momo should have shut down the relationship entirely from the beginning, and now that relationship may be their downfall. 


"Ok, party at Jirou's house! The band members and a few other people!" Kirishima couldn't wait, he was itching to dance and party. Midoriya was just freaking out, he barely goes to parties and isn't quite fond of them. 

"Kiri, I can't go!" 

"Why not?" Midoriya wanted to stay home but didn't want to disappoint his friend.

"Come on, it will be fun!" Kirishima wanted to have fun with his BFF, but why did he have to cancel last minute. Kirishima tilted his head, crossed his arms, and gave his short friend a frown. Midoriya whined and rolled around his bed, Kirishima wasn't proud.

"Wouldn't it be nice to get out of the house?"

"Yeah, I guess..." Midoriya responded into his pillow, Kirishima walked over and smacked the back of Midoriya's head.


"You are going to party!!" Kirishima yanked Midoriya's arms and pulled him to his feet. He dragged him out of the darkroom and pulled him into the living room, he ran back to Midoriya's room to look for clothes. 

Midoriya groaned and slumped onto the couch, he closed his eyes and laid there for a few minutes before his loud friend came back with clothing.

"Ok! Put this on and let's go!" Midoriya opened his eyes and there standing before his eyes his friend holding a skirt and green top. On his other hand, fishnets and a pair of black boots.

"No! I'm not wearing that! That was just one time when we went to that bar!"

"Come on! Your gonna be the center of attention, might as well look good!" Midoriya smacked his face, he hated wearing anything that could make him stand out. He only wears that type of clothing when it's forced for him to wear it such as the debut clothing.

"FINE! But you're paying me!" Midoriya grabbed the clothing and walked over to his room, he locked the door and sighed. This night could be the best night of his life or the worst. Once he was done changing his mustered up the confidence and opened the door.

"Wow! You look great, Let's go!" Kirishima motioned for him to follow him, the short one turned off the lights and locked the door behind them.

Sorry for not updating! Here's an update though! I am really excited because my birthday is in 3 days!! Yay yay yay! 
Anyways I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

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