Chapter twelve

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The couple walked through the stary night, it was a nice and warm night. The two just appreciated their presence, the two hands in hand silently walked. Nothing could be heard but their footsteps on the pavement.

"Deku...I hope you remember me."

"Huh?" Midoriya was confused, why would he forget his boyfriend? Midoriya just laughed out, he was sure the blonde was joking. He looked at Bakugou's serious expression and he tilted his head confused.

"You're not joking?"

"No. Remember me! Kaachan from-ok. Did you ever go on vacation as a child?" Midoriya thought for a moment, he remembered something but it was quite foggy.

"Yeah but I don't remember much of it..."

"When you went on vacation did you ever meet or make a friend?" Midoriya again began tracing his memories trying to remember. A foggy vision of a small boy appeared in his memory, but he can't quite picture it.

"I think."

"Ok-Look at me." Bakugou cupped Midoriya's face to face him, Midoriya just looked at him examining his face. He blushed just staring at his features, Midoriya grew a smirk and leaned forward quickly, he pecked his lips with a smile. 

"That's not what I wanted you to do but thank you." Bakugou blushed and smiled at his boyfriend, Midoriya grabbed onto Bakugou's hands and lightly kissed them.

"Hold on off track here, do you remember?" 



"...supposed...famous band...if you can't be lead sing..."


"...hold on to this..."


"Your welcome..."

Midoriya snaps back, he still can't remember but at least he remembers meeting a boy.

"I can't, remember much." Bakugou sighs, he pulls him into a hug. Memory is sometimes faulty, Bakugou doesn't want to tress Midoriya out.

"It's ok." 


Midoriya arrives at his apartment, by himself. Bakugou had a last-minute meeting with momo sadly, he sat down on his couch and sighed. He has to remember, it seemed important to Bakugou. 

He scratched his hair and walked into his room, he looked around and stopped right in his tracks. He remembers the was a box full of toys and child stuff from his past. He swung the closet door open and grabbed the heavy box out of the closet. It weighed him down so he placed the box on the ground, he sat down and pried the lid off.

He saw frames, albums, small toys, and much more. He pulled some frames, pictures of him and his mom, family members, small action figures, and a small toy microphone. 

The microphone had fond memories, he smiled and pushed the stuff aside, he pulled out the big album labeled 'vacation'. He flicked through the pages, pictures of lakes, forests, pools, and then a woman. A woman with blonde hair sitting by a small lake with a hat. He flicked through and saw the next image, he saw himself but not just him.

A small blonde boy with a big grin standing next to him with small toy drumsticks. Midoriya gasped, this wasn't any ordinary boy, this was Bakugou. Midoriya couldn't believe it, he forgot Bakugou. He forgot the best vacation he's ever had, he forgot everything.


"Deku, Come on sing!"

"No! I'm scared!"

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