Chapter seven

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" wanted to meet up." Midoriya has received a call to meet up with him behind the building of the studio.

"yeah, sorry about the other day."

"It's ok."

"I know yo-you have someone right now but I'm begging for a second chance." Todoroki kneels down on one knee and grabs onto Midoriya's hand, he places a warm kiss and looks up at him.

"Todo, I-I don't know."

"The only reason why we broke up because of my stupid father, please I never wanted to leave you. I still love you" Midoriya couldn't believe it, it was such a long time ago, his touch still felt like electricity through his veins but did he fully love him. still.

"Todoroki I-I-"

"Please Midoriya, I know I'm being desperate but I love you!" Todoroki's voice faltering from his eyes forming tears, Midoriya was speechless.

"You can't deny you still have some feelings for me."



Bakugou was impantiely wanted for Midoriya in the studio, checking his watch and tapping his foot on the ground.

"He'll be here don't worry he wouldn't miss recording his first official song."

"Yeah, I guess your right." Bakugou walked over to Jirou and just wasted time.

30 minutes later and Midoriya was still nowhere to be seen, the whole band was there waiting.

"You know if I was the lead singer I would never be late."

"Shut up" Ururaka flinched at Bakugou's answer, she gave a smirk and walked over to him.

"You know Kaachan maybe WE can go out together"

"No bitch. Don't call me Kaachan!" Ururaka once again she flinched and backed away slowly. Kirishima received a call and left the room. Bakugou crossed his arms and began to sweat a bit, where could Deku be?

"Guys, Midoriya won't be coming in today."

"Why not?"

"He's got a date with someone at the park and he basically begged me to plead his case for Momo." Momo sighed and gave Kirishima a nod, she walked out the recording booth.


"Woah chill, I'm not sure he didn't say. I'm happy he's meeting"


"Why do you care?" Everyone gave Bakugou a suspicious look, Bakugou took a deep breath and pushed Kirishima to leave. He got in his car and left to the nearest park, once he got there he saw a certain green haired boy.

He hid behind a tree close to him and took a peek. He was wearing neat clothing and was obviously waiting for someone.


"Todo!!" Midoriya ran up to hug a certain person, Bakugou's watched intently.

"Once again thank you for giving me another chance!"

"Don't mention it, come on." Midoriya grabbed his hand and lead him to his car. Bakugou ran to his car and followed Midoriya's car. He only went about 2 blocks and arrived at a small little cafe with a full garden in front of it. Todoroki left the car and opened the car door for Midoriya, he thanked him and the two walked into the small cafe.

Bakugou followed and sat a table away from them using a menu to hide his face.

"So, how have you been?"

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