Chapter fifteen

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"What the hell is all the yelling for?"Todoroki silently asked at such an intense moment, Bakugou swung his head around and gave Todoroki a strong glare. 

"FUCK YOU! Thinking you can get together with MY BOYFRIEND WHILE I WAS GONE!" Todoroki tilts his head in confusion, he was confused by the yelling but he had no idea what the hell Bakugou was talking about.


"DON'T WHAT ME!" Bakugou swung his head back to Midoriya, he just stared right at him. Midoriya felt very intimidated by the gaze, it sent shivers down his spine and sent goosebumps down his arms. The gaze that was once full of love now was full of hate and regret.

"We're done, I should have never trusted you"

"Kaachan...please stay-No!" Bakugou completely ignored him, he ran through the door pushing Jirou out the way. She hits her shoulder on the door frame, Kaminari watched and followed behind Bakugou as he left the home.

"" He was speechless, he fell to his knees and Jirou rushed over to his side. She felt awful it was all her fault. She had put them in the same bed but on different sides, she hadn't expected all of this to happen. She thought she was just helping the two getting some sleep in a more comfortable position.

"Midoriya I'm so so so sorry..." He couldn't even feel anything anymore, the most important person in his life left him and didn't even let him explain.


"Bakugou wait!!" Kaminari ran after Bakugou, the summer sun hitting their faces causing them to sweat. Kaminari had to explain, it was mostly his fault for all this. Bakugou was a stubborn person, he didn't want to hear it. 

"BAKUGOU!!! I SWEAR TO GOD!" Bakugou turned his head and instantly a tree branch went flying and hit him straight in the face. Bakugou stumbled back at the contact, Kaminari looked in the direction where the tree branch came from, and standing there was an angered Kirishima.

"YOUR GONNA HEAR IZU AND LET HIM EXPLAIN BITCH!" Bakugou saw the owner of the voice, his eyes widen and he ran faster. He wasn't gonna let this happen, Kiminari and Kirishima ran after him.
1 block became...
2 blocks, then...
3 blocks, until it became 7 blocks of non-stop chasing. Kirishima and Kaminari stopped running for a moment and took a break, the two had lost complete sight of their target.

"How did you get here?..." Kaminari didn't expect to see Kirishima there or even help with the chase.

"Oh, Jirou called me and gave me a brief summary, I wasn't gonna let Bakugou hurt my best friend." Kaminari panted trying to catch his breath, Kirishima was raging in anger.  Kirishima wasn't gonna let Izuku go through another breakup, the last one was already awful.

He didn't want to see his friend in pain anymore, Bakugou was the one to help Midoriya heal once again. Now he was the one to hurt him, this will take a toll on his mental health. 

He wasn't gonna let that happen.


The two lose track of bakugou once he takes a turn past a corner, Kirishima and Kaminari express their feelings to the each other about the matter. Neither of them had no idea what to do. They arrive to the home but see that Midoriya had gone out. All the saw was an upset Jirou and a very guilty looking Todoroki. 

Midoriya closed his eyes taking in all the nature, the water rushing below the bridge and the songs played the birds. It felt peaceful but a sour tension still lingered through the air, Midoriya didn't have any plans of jumping from the bridge but the thought still lingered around the back of his head. 

He let the tears fall down onto the wooden rail, it felt peaceful, quiet, beautiful. Bakugou was amazing to him, he was sweet, he cared about him. Everything about him seemed so amazing, he of all people should understand the importance of communication. He believed that Bakugou was his soulmate, but now it's looking bad for his future. 

He silently rubbed his face from the dried up tears and slowly walked off the bridge. Each step stomping on the bridge, it felt like Bakugou grabbed his heart and shattered it like glass. How can he think that he would ever cheat on him, after all they've been through. He just felt not empty but sad. I guess you don't really know a person's true intentions until it's too late.

Thank you so much for the reads 

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