More unexpected

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Leon's P.O.V.

"Where have you been?", Gery asks as I come to our table.

"Um, well, I had to do a few things...uhm, I went to the boys and asked them where our tour in Argentina would begin..."

"That's it?"

"I had to look for them first..."

"And where does it begin?"

"Don't you believe me?"

"Of course I do...but I feel like there's something between you and Violetta"

"Well, she was my ex but...that's the past..."

"So you don't like her"

"No...", I say while looking at my plate.

"Leon, look me in the eyes. Leon, please"

I look up to Gery and wait for her to say something.

Instead of saying something she gets up and leaves.

I'm not hungry anymore so I decide to get up and leave too. When I go to our room, Violetta is asleep already. I change and lie next to her.

Violetta's P.O.V.

As I wake up I see Leon's face very close to mine. Nothing has happened that night, right? Of course not, I didn't drink or something like that. I stare into Leon's eyes. His hazel eyes are amazing. He looks so-

"How long are you planning to stare at me?", he suddenly mumbles.

"You're awake!", I say a bit embarassed and get up. "I wasn't staring, I was well, anyways!"
I clean my teeth, have a shower and get dressed. Today we're going back to Argentina. I really enjoyed this. I'd do it again anytime.

"Are you ready?", I shout.

"No, I still need a bit", Jorge shouts back from the bathroom.

"I'll have breakfast alone then, if you want to, join me", I say and leave.

Leon's P.O.V.

She's gone now. Now I know what to do. I get dressed quickly and look for Gery. She's standing in front of the hotel getting some fresh air.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to-", she begins but I cut her off.

"No, Gery, we need to talk. This time it's very serious"

"You love her or don't you?"

"Yes, I do"

"There's something you need to know. And before I tell you, promise me you won't be angry"

"It depends to what it is"

"Promise me"

"Okay, I promise"

"I told her that bad things would happen if she keeps talking to you and stuff like that..."


"You promised me not to be angry!"

" could you?! You're such a bad person. I wasn't sure first but now I really think we should get divorced"

"No, please", she begins crying. "I only did it because I didn't want to lose you. I love you"

"Well, I can't say that back", I say and leave. I call up my manager and tell him about it. I don't it will take a long time, I'm a celebrity, that's how it works nowadays. I just want to get through it quickly.
In three hours I already will be sitting in the plane to Argentina. I hope next to Vilu.

Violetta's P.O.V.

I wonder where Leon is?! Boarding has started already. I better call him before he gets too late. I call him once more but he doesn't take it. What if anything as happened to him?!

"Leon?", I ask and a man turns around but it's not him. "Sorry..."

I go to Fede and and ask him if he knows where Leon could be.

"Sorry, Vilu, I really don't know, but if he's not here right in time, he'll take the next flight"

That doesn't really help at all.

"Guys!", someone then shouts.

We all turn around and see Leon then.

"Leon!", I shout and run to him and give him a huge hug. "I was so worried"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", he says then.

"Looks like our plan worked", Federico says to the boys and the nod and smile. Only Gery next to them doesn't. I look worried at her, who knows what she's gonna do?

"She won't do anything to you", Leon says then and looks into my eyes. Of course she won't. Leon's with me. He knows the truth. And he won't let her to anything to me. I hug him once more and he kisses me then. I kiss him back, I wouldn't have expected this right in front of the others and Gery. Like always he kisses amazing. The next thing I notice are the paparazzis taking photos of us, but I just don't care and continue kissing him.

Trust me. ~ a Leonetta fanficWhere stories live. Discover now