The end of everything?

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Dad: You heard what I said.

I: I can't believe it! And what if I leave the country? With Leon?

Dad: You won't!

I: You don't know that...I understand if you don't let me see Leon because...ehm, what you just have seen probably looked...ehm, it looked like something that it wasn't but I don't understand why you don't let me go to the studio!

Dad: That guy is there too.

I: That guy's got a name!

Dad: So what? Okay, you may go to the studio but promise me that you won't talk to him.

I: Ever?

Dad: Yes.

I: What?!?

Dad: Do you want to go to the studio?


Dad: So don't talk to Leon. Good night.

*German goes out of the room*

*Vilu takes her diary and writes in it*

Dear diary.

The most part of this evening was great but my dad ruined everything. And with everything I really do mean everything. the evening was great and then Leon and I went to my room. And because of a little accident Leon had to put off his shirt. I don't have anything against that, really, he looks pretty hot shirtless, anyways. Then we kissed and suddenly my dad came in. He looked at me and Leon, we were kissing and Leon was shirtless. Of course my dad always thinks that boys want more from me. Probably a lot of boys do but Leon isn't like that. then Leon had to leave and my dad told me that I may not see Leon anymore and that I may not go to the studio. At the end I discussed a lot with him and I'm not allowed to talk to Leon but at least I'm allowed to go to the studio. And there is Leon. I can't wait to see him. In this house nobody understands me. Leon is the only one who really understands me. And that's what I need. Sometimes I wish that I could escape from here. I can but...I love my dad and it would really hurt him if I that I think about it...he knows that it hurts me that he doesn't allow me to talk to Leon...does he really only care about himself and doesn't think of what I feel?


My phone! I can call Leon!

*Violetta looks for the phone in every place of her room*

I'm so sure that I left it on my, that can't took it! I can't believe it!

(the next morning)

Dad: Good morning, Vilu!

I: Morning.

Dad: Are you okay?

I: Do I look okay?

Dad: ...what will you do today?

I: I'll go to the studio.

Dad: Oh, right. And don't talk to Leon.

I: Is that everything you are gonna say to me?

Dad: Look, Vilu, you don't understand how I'm feeling right now. What shou-

I: What?!? You don't understand how I am feeling! You know what, Dad, just leave me alone.

Dad: ...

I: No, I'll better go to the studio and leave you alone. Bye.

Dad: Vilu...

*Violetta goes to the studio*

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