Tears and Leorico

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"What do you want?", I say sounding ruder than I want to sound.

"Violetta, please, you-"

"No, Leon, stop it. Dad, could we please let us alone? At least for a minute?"

"Sure", my dad mumbles while leaving.

"Look, I...no, haven't you understood what I said?! Let me alone!"

"Vilu, please, don't do this to me..."

"I'm doing this to you? Leon, leave this house, now."


"Don't call me Vilu! And now leave!", I scream.

"Fine!", he shouts and slams the door behind him.

I run up to my room and lock the door behind me. With tears in my eyes I look around. I haven't been here for a long time. My eyes focus on a picture of me and Leon. We were so young then. I remember we both were 17. The time I spent with him was the best time of my life. The highlite was singing with him. I loved to sing with him. I know there are still a few concerts left and seriously, I don't know how I'm gonna do them. I won't kiss him for sure. I have to get over him. Only like that a good future for him is guaranteed. I take the photo and sit down on my bed. I stroke the picture. How am I ever gonna forget him? 

Leon's P.O.V.

As I get home, I see Gery standing there. 

"What do you want?", I scream at her.

"I'm your wife, what kind of question is this?!", she responds.

"No, I can't do this", I say, take her things and bring them outside my apartment. "Leave. Now."

"You're going to regret this!"

"I surely won't", I tell her right into her face and slam the door. Finally she's outside.

I know Vilu is only doing this to protect me. But if I have to choose between my career or her, I would choose her. But she won't let me choose her. Somehow I have to keep my career going well and be together with her. I call Federico.

"Hey, Fede", I say.

"Leon! What's up?", he answers.

"I need your advice...you know I was divorcing. Now they told me that I shouldn't divorce to keep my career. But then I can't be with Tini..."

"So...if you get divorced, why should you lose your career?"


"Don't you get it? Your fans love you and Tini together! Get divorced secretely, do something romantic for Tini and everything is going to be fine. Believe me. Your image will be even better than. You'll be "Leon, the romantic hero" and not "Leon, hot but boring" to your fans.

"Hahahahaha, seriously?"

"Yes, I'm being serious. You have to fight for her, man."

"I will. I only want to be with her. Thanks, Fede."


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