A Kiss With Consequences And A Return

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Leon is as shocked as I am. Who would have thougth of meeting again here today at this time?

"Leon!", a voice shouts. It's a girl. She hugs him. His girlfriend?

"Oh, Gery!" Gery. That's her name I guess.

"Who is that?", she asks Leon while she looks at me.

"That's Violetta. Violetta, this is Gery, my wife."

WAIT, WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

"Y...your wi...wife?"

"Yeah, we got married about 3 years ago."

"And since when are you together?"

"4 years."

"That's how long I was gone..."

"Ehm, yes..."

"Wait, Leon, you know that girl?", asks Gery. I definitly don't like her. It's not that I'm jealous, I just don't like her.

"Yes, ehm, she was my girlfriend..."

"What? Why didn't you tell me about that?"

"I didn't really want to talk about that!" 

Now he seems angry. Is he that angry that I left him? 4 years ago? Even if he's got a wife now?

"Let's just start working!", suddenly says Maxi.

"Yes, good idea", say I and we think about what we could write and Gery leaves. Okay, that's not all, she kisses Leon's cheek when she leaves.

"I got a piece of a song, I beginned writing it a time ago but I haven't finished yet."

"Could you sing it for us?", asks Andres.

"Yes, of course.", I answer.

Hay amor en el aire
Acercate a mi
Apuesta por lo que siento
Hay amor en el aire
Tu confia en mi 
Ya ves que no existe el tiempo

"Wow, that's very good!", says Maxi.

Did I mention that I looked at Leon while I sang the song?

"Yeah, that's okay..."

"Leon, really, the song is veeeery good and you know that, what is with you?"


Leon didn't like it. Or did he? I don't think so. His look was so cold when I looked at him. It still is.

He probably still is angry. But he knew that I was leaving and didn't want to come with me so he has no reason to be angry. I have.

"Leon, why are you so angry? Just why?"

"I'm not angry."

"So what are you? Why are you looking at me like that? What have I ever done to you that you hate me?"

"I don't hate you. I just didn't want you to come back."

Okay, like really?!? Really?!? Am I that horrible? 

I just leave and go outside.

It's still summer but it's getting cold. I'm in the middle of a big market. 

Suddenly somebody touches me and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back.

It's Leon. 

That feels sooo amazing. 

Is this really happening right now?

It is. It's not. It is?

Leon leaves with a smile on his face.

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