An Awkward Date

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"So, do you like it here?", asks Diego.

"Yes, that's a nice place. I've never been here before, I think.", I say.

"You have been here. With me. At that time we were dating."

"Oh, yes! I totally forgot about this's really gorgeous."

"Yeah, I took my girlfriend only to the best places."

"Yes, you did..."

"Diego?", asks somebody. Leon.

"Oh...Leon, what are you doing here?", answers Diego.

"I'm having some lunch with my wife."

"Where is she?", I ask.

"She's using the toilet. Oh, here are two left seats. May we sit with you?", says Leon.

"Ehm...", I begin. "Ye-"

"No.", says Diego. "Oh, I mean yes."

"Okaaay...", says Leon.

"Oh, here I am. Ehm, Leon, why are we sitting with them? I thought you wanted to have some lunch with me...alone...", says Gery.

"I first thought so too but now that we meet some of our friends, let's sit with them."

"Our friends?"


"I don't see them around here."

"Gery...don't be like that. Be nice."


It's very quiet.

"Here is your meal, Ms. And here is yours Mr.", says the waiter.

"Thanks", I say.

"Oh, thank you", says Diego.

"You're welcome.", says the waiter. "What do you two wanna have?"

"I don't want antyhing because I'm leaving now.", says Gery.

"Gery?!?", shouts Leon.

*Gery leaves*

"What was that...", I say.

"I don't know...I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry for your wife", I say.

"Yes...I would like a steak, please."

"Okay, the meal will be there soon.", says the waiter and leaves.

"What is with your wife?", aks Diego.

"I don't know...I guess she's got some problems..."

"With me and Vilu?"

"More with Vilu..."


"It's...there was a newspaper and on it-"

"Nothing, it's not that important", I interrupt Leon.

"Ehm...yes...", he says quietly.

"Okay...", says Diego.

I don't really wanna lie to Diego but I can't tell him about it. At the end Leon will have Gery and I nobody.

What am I even thinking?!? I can't just lie to Diego because I wanna make Leon jealous!

I wanna make Leon jealous?!?

Why even not, he always tries to make me jealous!

No, that has to stop, this isn't a right solution.

Trust me. ~ a Leonetta fanficWhere stories live. Discover now