It's official

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"Guys, there's something important I need to tell you. You need to know the truth.
The truth is that I never really loved Gery, my wife. I thought I could get over the girl I really love. When I first met Violetta Castillo, I knew there was something special about her. I felt something I didn't feel with anyone before. It was love. Every morning I wake up and thing about her. Every night I go to sleep and think about her. It's still love what I feel. On tour we got closer and I actually thought I could be with her and get divorced. There was just one problem. I had to choose. Love or career?
To be honest, I first didn't know what to choose so I asked Violetta. She told me to choose my career because it's the best for me.
Then I knew that I couldn't be separated from her. Even if you don't support me anymore, I still know that I have two things in my life that I need. Music and Violetta. I'll get divorced and I hope the girl I love still wants to me be with me", I write on Facebook.
I really don't know if she still wants to be with me. I know a lot of things happened but I think she feels the same way as I do. I continue writing.
"All my fans, I love you. You're really important to me, but if you choose to let me go, I understand.", I stop writing and click on 'post'.

I really did it. I'm proud of me, I have to admit.
But now there's only one thing left.
I grab my jacket and turn towards the door, but suddenly someone stops me of leaving.

"Gery", I stammer.

"Are you serious? What you it true?", she asks nervously.

"Yes. Every single word", I say as I see tears in her eyes. "I really never meant to hurt you. It's just how I feel"

"I know...I should've known it from the beginning. When she came back and I saw the way you looked at never looked like that at me...and then you kissed her and...I realized that you love her. I wanted you so bad, that's why I did it all. But it's time to let go...I'll always love you", she confesses. I hug her. I thought she was a bit evil but...she was just hurt. I was wrong the whole time.

"What are you waiting for? Go to her now!", she smiles while crying.

I immediately obey and leave the house.

Trust me. ~ a Leonetta fanficWhere stories live. Discover now