A Date With Alex

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"Wha...what do you mean with 'important'?", I stammer. I blush, don't I? ...

"Erm...I like you...", he begins.

I blush even more.

"As a friend", he says then. 

"Oh, ehm...okay..."

"I don't want you to leave, please stay"

"I'll think about it"


"...I'm gonna leave now..."

"Should I come with you or take you somewhere?"

"No, it's okay, see you tomorrow, Leon"

"See you tomorrow"

I leave and look for Fran, where is she?!?

I call her.

"Fran, where are you?!?"

"Oh, Vilu...erm...I'm here with...erm, I'll call you back later, okay?"

"Fran, what is the matter?"

"I'm kinda busy right now...see ya!"

"Fran! With who are you?!"

"Fran, let's go!", I hear a voice saying. It's a man's voice.

"Okay, sure, Marco, I'm coming!", Fran says. She is with Marco!

"Oh, sorry that I disturbed, I'll let you two lovebirds alone! See you!"

"Erm, okay, bye!"

I hang up and now I really don't know what to do. Fran is with Marco, Leon is somewhere...who else is there? Angie...no, she'll ask me all about Leon, that's the last thing I want right now.

"Oh, hey, Vilu!", someone says. It's Alex.

"Alex! Hey!"

"What are you doing here alone?"

"Fran left me so I'm alone here now"

"Need some company?"

"Would be nice"

"Sooo, what do you wanna do?"

"What I wanna do? I don't know..."

"What about if we go dancing? To a club or something like that?"


"I'll pick you up at 8, bye!"


I guess I have a date with Alex now! I really need to do something what's not with Leon, I get crazy by even thinking about him. It has to stop, really.

I go to the hotel and look at my closet. Then I look at the room and notice how nice decorated and big it is. I like it here, I already feel like this is my home. But this can't be forever. I go closer to my closet and look and my clothes. Should I wear a skirt or a dress? I don't know...then I look at my outfit and see that I'm already wearing a skirt, why not a dress then? Suddenly I see those beautiful pants! They're black and omg just beautiful. It's tight but still comfortable. I pick a light blue top with some glitter on it, take my leather jacket and go out of the suite. 

Narrator's P.O.V.

Violetta goes to the entrance of the hotel and sees Alex standing there with a huge smile on his face, they hug and go to the club.

"You look beautiful", he says.

"So do you", she answers. "Wanna dance?"

The dance for about 20 minutes.

"I'm so exhausted", Violetta says.

"Me too", the boy answers. Their eyes meet and Alex steps closer to her, as she notices it, she looks town and he takes a step back.

"Oh, look who's here too!", Alex says and points at a girl and a boy who are dancing.

"Marco and Fran! I bet they'll be together preeeetty soon"

"I think so too, I mean, look at them"

"They're like: You can't stare better at me than I at you!"

"Haha, yes...I really like your smile"

"Ehm Alex..."

"...I'm sorry...you just look so amazing and I...I don't know..."

"Are you drunk?"

"What? No! Okay, maybe"

"You seriously got drunk and I didn't ven notice"

"Yup, I'm gonna get another drink, want one?"

"No, thanks", Vilu answers and Alex turns away to get a drink.


This can't be happening right now, Violetta thinks.

"Leon! Great to see you!", she says and tries to smile. 

Well, this is awkward.

"Violetta! Hello! What are you doin' here?", Gery says.

"Oh, I'm on a date with Alex"

"Oh, where is he?", asks Leon.

"Oh, he's getting a drink"

"Or you could say 'getting drunk'"

"Ha ha ha, so funny", Gery says sarcastically. "Now let's go dancing, Leon"

"Oh yeah, dancing, Vilu, wanna dance?"

"You ask ME to dance wtih YOU?"


"And what is with HER?", aks Violetta by looking at Gery.

"Oh, Gery, you're okay with that I dance with Vilu, right?"

"Uhm...yeah, I know that I can trust you", Gery answers nervous.

"Okay, let's go dancing", Vilu answers.

Vilu and Leon go to the dance floor and wanna dance but the songs ends and then a slow song begins.

"Really?!?", Violetta says to herself.

"What did you just say?", Leon asks.

"Ehm, nothing, let's just dance!", Violetta says.


"This is kind of awkward", Violetta says after a while.

"Yes...your boyfriend is getting drunk over there and my wife decided to join him and we are here just dancin' to a slow song"

"Oh, she joined him, well, at least now both of our partners will be drunk later"

"Haha, yeah, i just don't know if that's a good thing", Leon says laughing and then their eyes meet. Violetta looks into leon's beautiful eyes and can't help it. She gets closer to him, he closer to her and then...

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