Following The Light

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Following the light of the moon
She is looking for relief
From the world of recognition
She walks along the moonlit path

She asks herself everyday
What did I do wrong? Why me? Will i always be alone?
Always asking but never answered

Or she feels broken and lost
So she has now decided to follow the moonlit path
Sad and lonely never noticed alone in the world

With scars covered by sleeves
From the cuts she has made
Cutting as she screams for help to be noticed
Now numb from feeling pain
Now used to the loneliness and the darkness

She follows the light of the moon
To a new land for she will no longer
Will feel pain or loneliness as her life fades

She is in a new place free
Now with a smile on her face and no more pain
Flying around with wings that are a snowy white
She now has a friend
So she is no longer alone
They follow the light of a new sun
Into a new place and new life

From Shadows into LightWhere stories live. Discover now