Chapter 3 - Visitors

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[A/N] Bold question marks (") are where the characters are speaking a different language. I didn't want to put the translations in brackets beside the sentences and I know how confusing it can be to have to wait until the end of the chapter before you can know what it means.

It had been a month since the podrace. Watto had the twins collecting things from locals and even the Jawas. He also had the clean nearly everything in the shop. The twins could hear a ding from the yard outside. That meant someone had just come into the shop. They could hear everything from where they were.

Watto hovered over to the customers that had just entered, "Good day to you." Watto greeted in Huttese, "What do you want?"

A man with long brown hair, wearing grey cloak answered, he was accompanied by younger girl with brown hair, braided and in a bun, a blue and white droid and a gungan, "I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian."

"Ah, yes! Nubian. We have lots of that." Watto confirmed and turned around, "You two, get in here now!" Watto yelled out the door. They dropped what they were doing and ran towards the doors.

The long haired man spoke again, "My droid has a readout of what I need." the twins came trotting down the steps from behind Watto who turned to look at them.

"What took you so long?"

Anakin was the one who answered the Toydarian, "We were cleaning the fan switches." as they both climbed onto the counter.

"Watch the store, boy. You clean those droids," he ordered, pointing at the droids to the side of him. Freya jumped off her spot on the counter and headed towards the droids, "I've got some selling to do." he added "So...let me take thee out back, huh? Ni you'll find what you need." The Toydarian chuckled as he turned towards the back exit to lead the long haired man out into the yard.

The curious Gungan hummed as he inspected something in his hands which the long haired man took off him, "Don't touch anything." he told the Gungan before following Watto. The Gungan didn't listen though, he went to inspect something else.

"Are you an angel?" Anakin suddenly asked the girl with the braid. The girl was surprised at his question. 

"What?" she asked with a smile, she was slightly amused.

"An angel. I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe." she stepped towards him slightly as he told her, "They live on the moons of lego, I think." 

The girl smiled as she spoke, "You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?" she asked as Anakin kept cleaning something his hand as he spoke to the girl.

"I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here." he looked back up to the girl before continuing, "I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm gonna fly away from this place."

"You're a pilot?" The girl asked him. Freya continued her chore of cleaning the droids but kept listening to the conversation. It was obvious that Anakin thought she was beautiful. He compared her to an angel.

"Mm-hmm. All my life." he nodded, still playing with the switch in his hands, "How long have you been here?" Anakin hesitated before answering the question, he looked behind him at his sister, who was pretending that she was in her own world.

"Since we were very little. Three I think, My mom, sister and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt but she lost us betting on the Podraces." Anakin replied, gesturing to Freya behind him when he said 'sister'

"You're a slave?" she asked, her tone containing shock and surprise.

"I'm a person, and my name is Anakin." he snapped at the girl, anger evident on his small face.

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