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HELLO EVERYONE!!! I am excited for you all to read this story. The first version of this story was written about one year ago, however it is not my writing style right now and it was so unplanned... *shivers*


  Tick tock, tick tock was all I heard as I looked at the finished script. It was nowhere near perfect in my eyes, but to my boss, who is a misogynistic dirtbag, it's complete gold. The whole package. Girl chases after the man again. How ridiculous is that?

"Carter, ready to rock and roll?" I lifted my head from the computer screen to see Harper peeking her head through the doorway of my office. "I'm starving, and Rosie's is calling my name. Mr. Josby didn't bother giving me a lunch break today."

I turn off my computer, thanking the heavens above that this shift was over and it was finally time for the weekend. Never in my life have I hated a job more, but I did waste four years of my life paying money for the degree. A job is a job right? "Probably because he wants us to get this stupid script done," I mumbled as I pack away all my belongings. "You know, I was expecting more from him."

"What, he didn't like your other ending?" Harper asked and I scoffed.

"Are you kidding? Do you really think he was up for the whole idea of the women leaving her boyfriend because she deserved better? You know Josby. He always thinks they should have ended up together." I shut off all my lights and placed my brown leather purse around my shoulder. "Okay, no more talking. It's time for Rosie's. I need it after this day I've had."

"Might as well go out to the bar as well." Harper commented.

"I would love to but Chris texted me earlier telling me to facetime him later. You know him now a days, it could be really important." Sometimes having a celebrity as your best friend is challenging, especially if you are underneath his shadow. You know how difficult it is to explain to people that Captain America and I have been best friends since I was in pull ups? Very hard.

I grew up right across the street from Chris. My mom and his mom are both drama teachers, and they worked together. Right after I was born, Lisa had suggested my family move to the house that was for sale right across the street. Joy and Lisa are inseparable, just like Chris and I.

Everyone expected Chris and Reed to become best friends due to the fact they were about the same age. But for some reason, Chris and I gravitated towards each other. Despite the two year age gap. I was glad I was lucky enough to still have the same best friend since I was three. I'm more shocked he's stuck around for so long.

While Reed was more into his other friends and playing football, Chris and I would be upstairs in his room, collecting Disney DVR's on his busted TV he got at goodwill for twenty dollars. That TV had definitely seen it's brighter days, but it brought us so many fond memories.. And you thought, maybe after all of these years and his stardom, we weren't in contact.

After he graduated, he started his acting career in Los Angeles while I finished up high school and went to college at NYU for four years. Despite all his fame with Cellular and Fantastic Four, he would always call or AIM message me every night. I'd go save up all my money and fly down there with Scott to visit him. And now, years later? We're in the same city, and we're still the best of friends.

Harper and I gathered in her car and pulled out of the parking lot. Despite Chris being my best friend, it was always nice to have a girl's best friend on the side. That's where Harper comes in. Despite her being younger than me, she's like the little sister I always wanted. We've been close for about four years and it's nice to know that someone at this workplace isn't idiotic and has some taste. We always have our Rosie's Thursdays, as we like to call them. Rosie's in a hot dog place where the waitresses come out in roller skates and deliver your food. It's quite awesome.. it's quite LA.

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