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I stared at the blank document in front of me. No words, just a title. I was still pretty upset about what had happened last night. But I couldn't make the choice for him. He's an adult after all, he knows what's right from wrong. But as my best friend, I just wanted what was best for him and Sawyer was not that. Was it selfish that I am jealous? I think it is, but all I can do is put on the bravest face I can and just hope everything works out in the end.

My ears perked once I heard a knock at my front door. Sighing to myself, I get up from my chair and make my way down the stairs, hoping it's not Chris magically showing up at my front door. Chris always hates that I am mad at him. He has texted me countless times but I refuse to look at them. As much as I hate ignoring him, I was still angry. The last thing I wanted was to blow up at him because he's probably heard enough lectures from the past twelve hours. What's space is space, and just like everyone.. I need it.

   I opened my door, and my eyes widened as I saw Scott with an iced coffee in one hand and some flowers in the other. "Thought you might need it this morning." He tells me to hand me my gifts. My cheeks glowed into a crimson red color and my smile was beaming like the sun. I would never consider Scott attractive, he was gay after all. Besides Chris and I, we were each other's sidekicks all throughout high school. We did musicals together, did yearbook, everything I did, Scott did it too. I liked to think of him as my soul sister. "So how are you feeling?" He asked me as he sat down at the island in my kitchen. "Did the next Jane Austen write something after we talked?"

    "I wish," I mumbled, sipping on my overly sweet coffee. I grabbed a vase for my delicate Lilies and filled it up with water. "My mind has just been all over the place since last night. I only have a title so far."

    "Has he bothered to talk to you?" Scott asked. "He called me this morning just worried that you won't talk to him anymore."

   I placed the Lilies in the vase, turning around towards him. "I won't stop talking to him. Are you kidding? Yes, he's dumb and I'm mad at him but doesn't mean he's no longer my best friend. I am furious at him for being a fucking idiot, but I am ignoring him because the last thing I want to do is make the situation more worse for him. I am just waiting to calm down."

   "Almost got a plane to New York City myself, and was about to kick his ass." He mumbled, taking a sip of his iced coffee. "But I remember who I am, and then I remember who he is. I was not about to go for a round two of my childhood." I snickered softly, remembering how much Chris picked on him growing up.

   "He always picked on you, didn't he?" I said, thinking about the times where Chris blamed young Scott for doing when in reality it was all his fault. "Oh you would just cry and cry whenever your mom yelled at you. I always stood up for you and Chris would always get angry at me. Oh, just so angry."

   "That idea was a no, but boy if I had the body like Chris did, I would kick his butt." He mumbled. "She already posted about it on social media too! TMZ is talking about, People Magazine, it's trending on Twitter, she's probably just loving it."

"Wouldn't be surprised, the media gives her more attention than Chris does anyways." I mumbled softly. He lets off a snarky laugh as we travel upstairs to my bedroom. It's been quite a while since I saw Scott because our schedules lately haven't been lining up. Either he's off doing a gig or I am stuck at work. But whenever we are together, I feel whole. The whole Evans family is my whole.

Scott lays down on my bed while I sit in front of my computer, glancing at the empty word document. "Do you think Things I Hate About You way too upfront?" I turn around, facing Scott who is completely zoned out.

THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU ➪ 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐒Where stories live. Discover now