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Hi everyone!

Thank you all so much for the love on the first two chapters! It's totally out of my comfort zone on here and I was worried nobody was going to bother to read! I know a lot of you have read the first version of the story and I am glad you are reading this now!

ALSO, I LOVE SCOTT OMG. He is defiantly one of my favorite characters to write besides Madison or Nate in my Need You Now series. ANYWAYS!!! ENJOY!! ILY ALL!!! STAY SAFE!



The days had gone pretty quickly after Chris and I made up. We didn't talk about it that much because everything was still fresh and raw. He was so worried about him losing me, and it broke my heart. There was no way Chris was ever getting rid of me though, he is apart of me... despite how many stupid choices he makes. He's been there since I was born and he always will be with me till I die.

Harper got mad when I saw her at work on Monday. Honestly, I think she was more mad than me. She thinks Chris is a stupid idiot and that I should never talk to him again. But it wasn't even like we were together. People need to start realizing that he is a grown man that can make his own choices. It was always his choice. Besides the fact basically everyone stopped me at work, wanting to tell Chris congratulations, even Mr. Josby congratulated him.

Speaking of Mr. Josby, just as I suspected... he loved my new ending. Honestly, I don't think he has changed his outlook on life in the past thirty years. He's been the boss here. Even though I am one of his favorites out of the few who work here, he is the biggest asshole I have ever met. Creativity is not a possibility working here, but it pays my bills.

Today was Saturday, which meant it was stargazing with Chris. The stars were supposed to be super bright according to what Chris said. It was just nice when it was just the two of us. We barely get it nowadays. Either he is with Sawyer or we have the paparazzi following us around. These Saturdays meant a lot to us when we were young and they still do, to me it felt like it was the only thing holding us together.

I wanted to make sure I was there on time, because I always hate being late. I looked at myself in the mirror, examining my outfit. Sweatpants, Reed's old sweatshirt that he gave to me and my dirty converse. It was a typical Reece outfit. I heard a buzzing sound from my phone, and I pulled it out of my pocket. Chris texted me, letting me know he was already there.

Taking a deep breath, I run downstairs and grab my keys to my Camry. My hands were sweating and my stomach was hurting. Why was I nervous? Chris is my best friend. But now with everything that has happened, it doesn't seem the same. I want it to be, I want to believe that everything will be alright. But, I am just looking at the negatives.

I started up my engine and made my way towards our spot. I tried my best to play music so I can ignore the elephant that I am hiding in the room. Drives in LA were the absolute worst. But once you made it on the outskirts of LA where you can see the city lights in the distance, it was perfect. Eventually, I made it to our spot and I saw him resting against his car and was playing on his phone. His hair was covered with his NASA hat and just wore a simple pair of jeans and an old shirt. He looked up once I parked my car. "Thought you were going to ditch me." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and locked my car. "Do you honestly think I would ever ditch you?" I walked over to him, nudging his arm playfully. He let out a soft chuckle as we made our way to lay down on the ground to look up at the stars. He rested his arms above his head as I placed my hands on my stomach. Silence filled the area as we looked up at the stars but it was a comfortable silence, like it needed to be there. The stars were breathtaking tonight like he mentioned, so I didn't mind no conversation.

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