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I hate that Chris came to see me the night that DJ passed away. I did cherish the fact he made sure he came and saw me, however.. The last thing I needed in this world was for him to see me at my wits end. I don't need him to see me at my lowest, because he's part of the reason why I am at my lowest.

Josby had let us work at home for the week, especially due to the fact his grandson was dead, he knew that it wouldn't be fair to us to work in an environment that way. Especially since he knew about DJ and I's history. He knew I wouldn't be in the right headspace.

I wasn't, I wasn't at all.

Chris had stayed with me the whole night. We watched movie after movie until the sun came up. I had begged him to go home, and that I was fine being by myself. But he refused over and over again. He didn't leave my side until that afternoon.

That was because I forced him to go home.

I kept asking him about how Sawyer would feel about this but he didn't care. Over and over again he would just say 'don't worry about it' or 'it's not her business to know' but I just know for a fact she was pissed.

After Chris left, I had finally gotten the courage to get up and write about how I am feeling. It's the least I could have done. It's all I know how to do, especially when I am very vulnerable.

I honestly think I have a curse or something. Could it be a god above who wants all these bad things to happen to me? Was it because I accidentally opened up an umbrella indoors when I was younger? Or was it just a case of coidences. I don't know, but it feels like someone is out to get me Chris. Maybe it's the universe, maybe it's just my bad timing.

I will forever appreciate you coming and being my knight and shining armor when I found out DJ passed away. I still can't believe he's dead... it's something I always feared when I was with him. He would always street race and stuff like that, and you know me... I got very concerned. But he always told me to brush it off.

Well, look at him now. Dead.

I hate that I am so upset about this. Because I hate him right? Like I hate things about you. But just like you, he was a huge part of my life. He was a character in my story, my romantic interest. He's someone who sat with me during those times I had bad anxiety and the one that kissed me good morning and night. He wasn't a saint.

Neither am I.

But it hurts when someone leaves your life. Especially if they left so much damage beforehand. Like a tornado. It's pretty to look at, but the destruction inside is horrible... and the impact it leaves afterwards. It's something that takes forever to recover from.

That's why I am so scared about losing you to Sawyer.

The days keep passing.. I wish I could just stop time. Even if it's just for one minute. It's one minute I have to keep you, to hold you in the palm of my hand, so you don't go away.

I know you won't physically go away. But man, I fear that I am going to lose a piece of myself when you walk down that aisle to the girl you so call love.

One that gets mad whenever she sees me.

My life feels like it's turning to shit.

But you're too optimistic.

I hate that you're too optimistic.


THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU ➪ 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐒Where stories live. Discover now