10. Is this the End?

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Addison leaned back in her chair and went to run her hands through her hair, but stopped when she realized she had it back in a ponytail. Damn Mark Sloan! He wasn't good for anything...except maybe sex. He wasn't a legend for nothing. That man made her toes curl. She bit her lip as she thought that Derek wasn't a slouch either in the bedroom skills. It was just after fifteen years of being together, sex had become fairly routine and boring. There had been no spice left when she had wandered. Not that that was an excuse by no means and she had been wrong, evil even. She wasn't this person. The woman who wanted a man who didn't want her but she missed Derek and she knew that deep down he missed her too. You don't spend eleven years married to a person and not care.

The only thing standing in her way was the little family he had formed with Meredith and their offspring. She had yet to see Michael Shepherd. She wondered why they named him that with his oldest nephew already having that moniker. It was after his father though, and Derek had been the only son.

If she was being honest with herself, she would admit to the rampant jealousy that was coursing a fire through her veins. Meredith Grey had everything that Addison Montgomery wanted. A warm loving home, Derek and a baby that looked like him. She wondered what Derek saw in her though. She was nothing like her. Maybe that was the appeal...

Addison knew she had to make things right with Derek.

A hesitant knock on the door brought her out of her reverie.

"Is this a bad time?"

"No. Not at all." She smiled warmly at Derek. He paused at the door.

"Come in. Please. What do you think? Is it operable?" She asked.

He looked back at the hallway and stepped all the way in, leaving the door open and sat down at the conference table.

"You can close the door you know. I am not going to bite, well, unless you ask me too." She teased.

He frowned.

"Relax, Derek. I was just joking. Sheesh! Where did your sense of humor go in the past few years?"

His mouth tightened.

"Out the door with you." He said.

"Wait a damn minute! You left! I was willing to work it out!" She exclaimed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He asked incredulously. "You fucked my best friend, repeatedly. You tried to pass off his baby as mine. You destroyed me!"

"Well, you don't look so destroyed now." She pointed out.

"That is because of Meredith." He said.

She winced. That damn name again.

"Come on, Derek, how good can she really be for you?"

"Excuse me?" He asked, his voice low and deadly.

She ignored his tone.

"She is young, she is a lowly resident for God's sake! She got pregnant out of wedlock..."

He raised his eyebrows.

"What? I was married!" She defended.

His mouth gaped open and he shook his head.

"Anyway...it is because her mother is Ellis Grey? Is she padding your pocketbook to stay with her daughter? Is that it?"

Derek leaned forward to her.

"You listen to me and you listen good. I love Meredith Grey. She made me who I am today. She makes me smile and laugh and sometimes she makes me so mad, I could throttle her but then she bats her eyelashes at me and I just...melt. She has been through so much, I have put her through so much because of what you did to me and if you think for one minute I am going to leave her for you, you are fucking delusional. Now, as far as the patient goes, yes, it is operable. She is on my schedule for tomorrow at 8am. You are more than welcome to scrub in to monitor the baby but do not for one second, think about overstepping your boundaries. Do you understand me?" He said tersely.

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